
Web Design and Development – Tectera

Author name: Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at Tectera are experts on web design, SEO, social media and other digital marketing channels.

How to Index a Website in Google Faster
Search Engine Optimisation

How to Index a Website in Google Faster

Wants to know how to index a website in Google faster? It’s impossible to expect online viewers, audiences, clients to check your offers without good visibility. And by visibility, we mean how and where a website, content, webpage appears on search results. A longer scrolling or lower position means people will barely bother to enter your website. Minimum organic traffic will eventually lead your website to become another failure in the list. That’s where indexing is important, pushing further to the top SERP (search engine result page). However, the indexation time may take longer due to poor strategies or compromised […]

Payment Gateway Guide
Payment Gateways

Payment Gateway Guide

Looking for payment gateway guide? Offering customers a reliable, easy, fast, and quick payment system has become an integral part of online merchandise. And the chosen method must comply with the satisfaction of all the involved parties. As much as 23% of consumers discard their shopping carts because of complex, vague, or lengthy payments. Around 11% abandoned due to complications whereas the remaining 12% reported lofty processing. So, gracing your clients with a perfect payment solution is equally important as other facts for your site. Payment Gateway happens to be the most satisfying method to accomplish the concerned objective. What

E-Commerce Guide
Ecommerce Website

E-Commerce Guide

Looking for E-Commerce guide? It’s been 30 years since the very first online sale of a CD took place, in August 1994. And the sale initiated a new era of business for mankind, known as e-commerce. The trend has come a long way while rapidly transforming the way of selling and buying. Although e-commerce continued to gain momentum with time, the worldwide shutdown over pandemic skyrocketed the booming of the sector. The market continues to expand everywhere in many surprising ways, even if we’re way past those situations. A great number of entrepreneurs are looking into e-commerce to give their

How to Market E-Commerce
Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation

How to Market E-Commerce

Want to know how to market E-Commerce? Establishing your e-commerce business amidst the highly globalized, evolving, competitive market is a hard nut to crack. The estimated worldwide retail sales are likely to reach $8.1T by 2026, meaning you’re heavily behind in the race. A well-assessed, well-planned, well-executed marketing is what you need for the breakthrough. And it exclusively features the utilization of promotional actions. Not all approaches hold equally well based on your e-commerce venture. That’s why you better understand how to make your e-commerce marketing a standout. There are many strategies, methods, actions involved in modern marketing. And we

Free Photo Download Websites
Website Development

5 Free Photo Download Websites

Looking for free photo download websites? Photos or images are an integral part of modern visual content for websites, apps, social media feeds. It’s not possible to use product photography all the time, regardless of the context. And you’re likely to become bored soon enough with all the similar SERP images. Finding the perfect photo, rather unique and fitting to your needs, will cost you extra bucks. Lucky for you, there are still websites you can navigate for great photos without charges. And we’re not talking about free websites with cheap, insufficient, poor collections. Ranging from thousands to millions, there

How to Add Payment Gateway to WordPress
Website Development

How to Add Payment Gateway to WordPress

Wants to know how to add payment gateway to WordPress? Payment Gateway is a technical feature to enable online transactions via a secure financial data transfer. It acts more like the middleman between customers and sellers by exchanging encrypted and authorized information. Payment Gateway is well-known for steady, seamless, secure international transactions. Building websites using WordPress has long been a priority solution among developers for great reasons. Thousands of popular websites are created via WordPress, thanks to its versatile flexibility. It still lacks a built-in gateway for transactions. So, you’ll need to add a payment gateway to WordPress sites manually.

How to Appear in Google Maps
Search Engine Optimisation

How to Appear in Google Maps

Are you struggling to maintain your business with fierce local competition? Or you’re just located at a distant place to grab the attention? No matter what, you need a solid push to make things go your way. That’s where online presence can aid you to a great extent. It acts more like an online storefront, giving you the privilege of easy marketing. The process more or less starts with your presence on Google Maps. Anyone having or owning a physical address for their business ventures better be on Google Maps. The simple yet efficient strategy has now become a vital

Trending Business in Sri Lanka
Website Development

5 Trending Business in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, an island country in the Indian Ocean features a stable, progressive, supportive economy. That’s why people are very much interested in doing business there. But it’s not exactly an easy task to know which business to start. It’s because there are many options almost every of which are alluring. So, we’re here with the top 5 trending business ideas in Sri Lanka you can use to start the venture. 01. e-Commerce Internet penetration stands at 56.3% with a total of 12.34 million surfers in Sri Lanka. And a great portion of the users are directly engaged in leading

Website Redesign Checklist
Website Development

Website Redesign Checklist

Looking for website redesign checklist? Many websites require a facelift from time to time due to changes in branding, services or products, platform, ownership, etc. And the website often undergoes multiple significant changes; called website redesign. Careful implementation is necessary to make the most of an uplifting redesign. What is Website Redesign? It’s more like a maintenance process of an existing website in terms of aesthetics, functionality, contents. Redesign is different from refresh as the latter refers to changes limited to onscreen visuals or graphics. Website redesigning is a lengthy technical readjustment, requiring months to plan, implement, launch. Time, Expertise,

Local SEO Ranking Factors
Search Engine Optimisation

Local SEO Ranking Factors in 2024

Looking for local SEO ranking factors? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a key criterion to succeed in business through a dominating online presence. Local SEO is the strategy/practice of optimizing the presence locally to engage local customers. It’s particularly beneficial for small to medium startups with offers suitable/targeted for the locals. Even businesses with a locally available physical storefront can highly benefit from a better local SEO ranking. What Makes Local SEO Ranking So Important? Clicking on the ‘Open Now Near Me’ results from SERPs grew over 400% globally during the pandemic. Consumers are not only looking for online purchases

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