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Best 10 Travel Agency Website Design Ideas

Travel Agency Website Design Ideas

Looking for travel agency website design ideas? Check these best 10 travel agency website design ideas.

A Website is the most successful way to digitally show off any business. Since most of the people are now connected with the network, this is the best way to get connected with them. A great and attractive website is helpful in both ways.

If you’re looking for a design to launch a new travel website to market your services and to attract tourists, these designs might help you to create a perfect website according to your needs.

Travel Agency Website Design Idea 1


This website emphasizes the ‘less is more’ theory. The homepage here is quite simple and clean. Only the essential components are displayed here.

A highlighted strapline provides information on what the website is all about. The matching picture behind elevates the meaning more. The search function is very clever and user friendly website.

Giving an additional search bar to directly search the destination details is also a nice feature. If someone wants to search for things right away, this will help.

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Travel Agency Website Design Idea 2


This website is created by aiming to match flights and other travel methods for people. The full screen backdrop image makes it so attractive. It’s kept very simple as well.

The search engine is designed to specifically search for a particular date, place and travel method. This simply filters the search and makes it more accurate.

The search tabs are clear and therefore, it is easy to use by even the people who have vision problems.

Travel Agency Website Design Idea 3


The website has made it exactly to look like an official looking tourism website.

This is a flawless website from top to bottom. The website is curated with stunning photographs to make it look modern.

The format of the website is simple and it has categorized the services under different tabs to make the work easy.

Travel Agency Website Design Idea 4


Here, everything is well balanced. The layout doesn’t overwhelm any of the visitors. It has only the information that is most needed.

Visitors have the option of making a filtered search as soon as they walk into the website. There are several other menu items as well. But everything is made as an easy to navigate system.

All the information is well organized in tabs. And for a visitor who has the aim of directly looking for information about destinations, this helps to solve it at once.

Travel Agency Website Design Idea 5


This website is primarily focused to cater for travelers who want to compare between different countries and book trips accordingly.

The most attractive feature of this layout is the listing of most popular destinations overlaid with beautiful photographs. This is one of the clever techniques anyone could use to attract customers.

The information in tabs are also well organized and only the most searched and interested information is displayed.

Travel Agency Website Design Idea 6


Using the white, big text here is so far a brilliant idea. White is attractive. It can catch every eye when there’s nothing else so bright around.

And the full screen photograph behind with a greyscale adds up a full meaning to the whole website. People are attracted twice here: by the white letters and the full screen background image.

Adding up a call to action ‘book your travel’ makes any visitor want to click it. The information tabs are very small and contain only the most important information. This makes the screen look less complicated and soothing. 

Travel Agency Website Design Idea 7


This website is exceptionally comprehensive. It features different types of searching filters as well as the details about the website.

But the good thing is that everything here is easily accessible with the big search bars. The site is designed to provide information about very distinct categories making sure that visitors would find immediately what they are looking for.

The straightforward website navigation bars make everything look easy. This design will probably make sure that the website doesn’t miss any of their customers.

Travel Agency Website Design Idea 8


Using white is really attractive and it makes the website look less complicated and clean.

If there’s any best color that could be used to make things pop up on a white background, it’s black. Highlighted words with the concept of the website will let anyone who enters the website know what this website exactly does.

And apart from using only pictures, going for a little bit of illustration is also unique. This adds some personality to the website and makes it look fun too!

Balancing picture displays are also a good add up to the website as people will also get a pictorial idea of the website’s goal.

Travel Agency Website Design Idea 9


Suggesting different travel ideas on the same page is a good way to attract more people. A site has to look clean and easy to use. Labeling the locations gives more on the process of decision making.

Instead of centering the text and making the background pictures bold, vignetting the corners of a picture and bringing the text to a corner also makes it pop up quickly and also balances the page well. This also views the picture behind clearly. Using white text is actually a great way to emphasize the point of the website.

Travel Agency Website Design Idea 10


Photos can do a major work when it comes to building more audience and visitors. And the wordings that are used to highlight the page also matter.

Here, the first words are highlighted more on the purpose of the website and the name kf the website is added as well. This puts the idea of ‘use this website to book’ into to the visitors head. And right down below, the specific search bar makes it more convenient for them to use the website more.

This is a brilliant way of keeping visitors engaged in the website. By pinpointing and targeting what people are actually looking for, any website could become successful.

Using appropriate images that are not so complicated and clear even at the bold background takes the eyes first to the wordings.

Final Thoughts

There is no actual template that can be recommended as it will work well for a travel website.

There are a variety of designs and approaches. It has to be chosen according to the target audience and the goals of the company.

Just make sure that everything is simple and provides easy navigation. Use pictures, but make sure they download faster.

Above all, look what your competitors are into and what are the new trends. And finally, come up with your own unique way.

To get more travel agency website design ideas contact Tectera who provides web design in Toronto.

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