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5 Benefits of Having a Mobile App for Your Business

Benefits of Having a Mobile App for Your Business

Looking for benefits of having a mobile App for your business?

The worldwide digital landscape continues to evolve rapidly, partly driven by the exaggerated use of smartphones. Over 80% of the world’s population holds a smartphone, making it the most readily used electronic device. Apps are primarily the ultimate smartphone feature to achieve such popularity.

Apps, short for Applications, are the software specifically developed for smartphones. You can dive into the near-bottomless ocean of apps through popular app store markets. There was a time when only large corporations, businesses, and companies could afford a convenient app for everyday customers.

Those days are long gone since medium to small, and even app-oriented businesses are now operating in full swing. Even you should consider investing in an app to make a change for you and your consumers. It’s because a business app can put you ahead while drawing the attention of many prospective clients.

Mobile App for Business

Top app stores like Google Play Store and Apple App Store have a separate category for business apps. And they cover a significant portion of the total share of available apps.

Apple App Store contains 10.35% business apps, only second to games (12.68%) by category. Google Play Store features a 7.17% share for business apps, listing third after Games and Education respectively.

However, Google Play Store holds nearly the double number of Apple App Store apps. These simple stats should reveal the extent of business apps’ popularity among general users.

There are distinctive types of business apps available in the play store. Nonetheless, you can consider the following classification as your initial guideline.

  1. Interactive [example – Duolingo]: Customer engagement to craft a dynamic experience for users is the primary objective here. Many fitness and some gaming apps also fall under this category.
  2. Shopping [example – Amazon, Flickr]: Online retailers can’t have anything better than these apps. Customers can buy from a wide variety of available options from anywhere at any time.
  3. Content [example – TED, BBC]: These apps feature informative/useful content for users related to their business. You can consider food blogging or other blogging/educative apps for this kind.
  4. Customer Service [example – Uber, Lyft]: It serves a particular intention of a customer through direct messaging. Businesses are now increasingly integrating chatbots into these types of apps.
  5. Schedule and Reservation [example – OpenTable]: Salons, restaurants, hotels, spas, etc. often use this app. Scheduling an appointment or managing a reservation is the primary feature here.
  6. Loyalty [example – Starbucks Reward, Walmart+]: These apps let their loyal customers access special offers like exclusive discounts. Only a few large companies separately have these apps.

Benefits of a Proprietary Mobile App for Your Business

The positives of developing, launching, and maintaining an app only for your business are many. However, only a few are the root advantages to yield other gains. And they’re always associated with one another, making all the benefits equally important.

  1. Increased Customer Engagement

An exclusive smartphone app for your business can surely hype up your overall customer engagement. Users spend 7x more time in the native app of a business than its proprietary website on a browser.

An app not only pushes the engagement but also speeds up the conversion rate. Conversion rate refers to the percentage of visitors to make the desired action (purchase). You can experience a 100% up to 300% increase in conversion by having a dedicated app.

The audience can instantly download, launch, and navigate your app to know only about your business. it gives you further opportunities to engage your offers with the potential customers at the right time.

  1. Enhanced Customer Service

A positive customer service is a must since it can drive 88% of the consumers to make future purchases. A business app usually facilitates call-to-action buttons, FAQs, RSVP (queries), and feedback options.

It can ease your customer service workload, providing solutions at the quickest possible time. As long as you can respond to queries timely and properly, the quality of your customer service is likely to thrive.

  1. Improved Brand Visibility

Launching a branded app on the app store lets you spread the business with a few clicks. It allows the target audience to get acquainted with your products/services more closely.

Whenever a user goes through apps, he/she is likely to notice the app. It increases the likelihood of looking into your updates, notifications, offers, etc. Sending push notifications is ideal to remind the app installer about everything a customer may need based on your business.

Thus, a well-designed app can provoke a convenient, regular, interactive experience. More downloads, better reviews, and more activities will put your business on trending app lists.

  1. Valuable Customer Insights

It’s entirely possible to develop, update, alter the app based on customer preferences. Smartphone users are fond of certain features, settings, layouts for specific business apps.

Viewers get to know more about the benefits of your service/offer/product via a few clicks or scrolling. A 24/7 accessibility creates a stronger connection with potential audiences. Modern consumers demand instant gratification which is achievable through a perfect app.

Meantime, an app unlocks the treasure troves of personalized data to understand customer preferences. You can effectively tailor the system, approach, or offers using the data.

  1. Streamlined Operations

Keeping up with the competition or at least, the modern world, needs efficiently-implemented agility. Only a well-developed smartphone app can provide the necessary streamlined operation.

You can literally revolutionize the business portfolio with the integration of streamlined solutions. It concerns the overall optimization of your app through specific actions like automation or simplification.  Streamlined app performance enables real-time communication with the audience.

Adapting to the fast-paced digital environment is impossible without proper management. Streamline operation helps optimize the process by boosting collaboration and centering the database.

Wrapping Up

Having a proprietary app for your startup/business/company unlocks new segments of online success. Better marketing, increased loyalty, higher revenue – everything comes with the mentioned 5 (five) benefits. Launching a well-developed app not only ensures the best of all benefits but also a steady dominance in the competition.

Now know the benefits of having a mobile App for your business, Contact Tectera a app developers in Toronto to develop mobile App for your business.

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