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Wants to know is AI-Generated content bad for SEO?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to thrive across the internet, highly changing the portfolio of content creation for marketers. It’s still a somewhat time-consuming task to require analytics, understanding, and innovation to affect digital marketing.

You can easily command a standard AI tool to get your content. And you’ll have one prepared and delivered within seconds! But can you actually use AI-created content for SEO? What are the concerns associated with SEO content generated by AI tools?

Let’s check out the brief details to know whether AI-generated content is good or bad for SEO.

Automatically Generated Content for SEO

Any material created, built, or made by an AI tool refers to automatically or AI-generated content. Texts, images, videos, graphics – SEO content involves everything. And more sophisticated upgrades for the tools continue to ease their creation.

The top benefits of AI-based content are –

  • No need to have a dedicated team of creators.
  • Incredibly fast understanding, creation, and delivery.
  • Tailoring of the content for exclusive audiences.
  • Excellent customization for upgrades or changes.
  • Reduction of costs, time requirements, and efforts.

Tools like ChatGPT and Gemini turned the entire text-based content creation into an oversimplified breeze. You can generate relevant and usable articles, essays, reports within seconds upon commands.

Tools like Firefly, DALL-E, Midjourney crafts visual and captivating artwork relevant to your SEO. And Descript, Wondershare Filmora, Runway are the AI-based tools you can use to develop videos.

Disadvantages of AI-Generated Content

The leading downsides of using AI materials for SEO include –

  1. AI generates content by pulling pre-existing information without any new concepts, ideas, or information. It significantly lacks value since no innovation or creativity occurs from the already available resources.
  2. Syntax errors and poor grammar have been serious issues with text-based content. You can’t expect an article full of silly mistakes to rank high in SEO. So, you’ll have to check everything manually for errors.
  3. AI content may feature misleading themes and/or inaccurate information, not even relevant to the topic. Everything works on algorithms and you’ll have to put out lots of effort to find an exactly matching tone.
  4. High plagiarism risk prevails for texts, keeping you on the verge of getting banned, suspended, or worse. Nothing new in terms of pattern, representation, or saying takes place, resulting in arrogant scores.
  5. AI resources severely lack some elementary facts like emotion, motivation, engagement, and style. You can’t expect any uniqueness in the explanation or examples. So, your dwelling time may take a massive plunge.

Loss of employment and/or ethical considerations are more like a new normal instead of straightforward negatives. It’s because AI also presents opportunities to find new jobs without violating standard ethics.

What Does Google Say About AI Content?

Google’s SERP is the ultimate concern when it comes to SEO, with or without AI. The recent wave and widespread adoption made Google release a statement.

Its summary would be – “Automation or AI isn’t against Google’s guidelines as long as the generated content is intentionally used to manipulate SERP ranking.”

So, you’re free to choose AI tools to create relevant content for your web/app. But you can’t generate content to alter or manipulate Google’s ranking algorithm.

However, Google heavily focused on the AI concerns for its March core update. It enforced elimination of low-quality content and potential scaled content abuse.

Scaled content abuse is all about generating webpages only to manipulate SERP. So, you must emphasize quality to serve customers, not messing up with ranking.

Google’s EEAT Guideline (E-E-A-T Approach)

The abbreviation stands for – E = Expertise, E = Experience, A = Authoritativeness, T = Trustworthiness.

  • Each of your AI-generated content better complies with the four criteria to accomplish SEO. However, content fully created by automation can barely meet the specifications satisfactorily.
  • A well-balanced approach to corroborate all these prerequisites will always create content with value. And it’ll directly or even indirectly take part in solving customer problems or queries.
  • Still, directly trying AI poses a major risk as anything can go wrong during search engine indexing. You’ll have to excel in how to humane the artificial style or tone before going for SEO.

Google’s stance is clear with the guideline, letting you work the AI’s potential on user-focused content.

Wrapping Up

Understandably, AI for SEO has alluring positives against concerning negatives. You can’t expect to outmatch or even compete with SEO success achieved by hours of manual labor with oversimplified automation. Humanizing the content to ensure maximum quality is the key to success in SEO or SERP with AI-based content.

For SEO services contact Tectera a SEO company in Scarborough.

Wants to how to recover from Google Algorithm Update?

Even professionals can’t just leave quality, relevant, justified webpages on the go forever. Likewise, the evolving world requires updates but the more concerning fact is Google. There’s no way you can leave the content however you want, no thanks to consistent and relentless engine updates.

The webpage you’re seeing now on top will literally sink into the bottom by tomorrow, affecting SEO. The ranks as well as the searching get updates almost every day, requiring immediate confrontation. And we think you can benefit from some fundamental tricks to keep up with these alterations.

Google Algorithm Update

It’s the update Google applies to its search engine coding to improve quality, performance, relevance. Experts believe the tech giant to incorporate at least one update every day. However, all the updates of specific timeframes are observed at user levels at intervals.

It’s possible to take two updates to occur within a month, two consecutive months, or more. However, applying two to three updates in a year is the trend for Google. Algorithm is the umbrella term to denote the complex and mysterious technical instruction on results.

The search engine’s working algorithm is entirely a proprietary mechanism, nobody knows the what, how, why. Nonetheless, it often results in devastating SEO effects even for popular and quality content. You’ll lose authority as well as traffic to take a dip in SERPs.

Almost all the updates to date have been uncertain in terms of subject, time, effect. That’s why the term ‘recovery’ is used by SEO enthusiasts instead of ‘projection’ or ‘adoption’. It’s all about mitigating the effects right after an update in the core algorithm takes place.

Analyze the Impact

Updates in Google’s core algorithm occur at regular intervals, altering hundreds of mechanisms. You must remain well-aware and well-awake about all the updates that have taken place already. The first course of action is to identify the original purpose, goal, objective of the most recent update.

You know the frontside purpose as it’s all about ranking, search results, and/or relevance. But we’re talking about changes from technical aspects concerning SEO. Running a complete SEO audit may help you understand the primary impact associated with organic traffic and keyword performance.

Don’t forget to set alerts for core algorithm updates to make quick decisions and actions. Central Blog and Search Console let you know the implemented updates right away. You can also depend on SEO tracking tools to get alerts. They can even help you identify the keywords to suffer a drop in rankings.

Understand the Update’s Focus

2023 had four updates among which the ‘September Helpful Content Update’ still remains a talk of the town. People working on SEO had to make lots of changes due to its profound impact on businesses. So, it’s a must for you to remain cautious about the update’s specific intention related to SEO practices.

Google incorporated ‘topic authority’ in May, ‘language matching system’ in September, and ‘openness signal’ in November. All alterations took place in 2023, presenting a serious concern for SEO enthusiasts. And you can’t accurately predict the next update’s actual intention, posing a great ASAP challenge.

The March 2024 update took 45 days to complete to cause magnificent volatility upon rollout. Organic traffic dipped as much as 50% in several cases. And it was exclusively focused on reasonable, helpful, reliable content. You can check the brief details of this wave-sending update on SEO Roundtable.

Identify Affected Website Areas

Not all your resources can take an equally bad hit after an update. By hit, we mean a noteworthy dip in SERP ranks and/or organic traffic. Tools like Semrush or Ahrefs can give you a complete content audit to detect the affected webpages. Any significant traffic drops for content or pages must be identified.

Search Console as well as Google Analytics particularly specialize in pointing out the traffic issues. Check out the detailed analytics to find out possible patterns regarding the decline. It helps identify updating causes while formulating logical plans. Don’t forget to separate pages to suffer from sharp drops.

Google Analytics comes with various features to assess different segments of your website anytime. Running a crawl with tools seems can get the themes and patterns associated with the update. It should give you further insight into the overall declination in previously well-functioning performance.

Competitive Research

Whenever you’re done evaluating your website’s health, it’s time to check up on your competitors. Your top competitors will either take a hit like you. Or, you’ll have multiple new competitors to confront here. The working principle is simple – finding out who is earning your lost organic traffic on searches.

The number of people searching for an answer or solution doesn’t change with algorithm updates. So, it’s in your best interest to find out your previous audience’s new favorite or preference. You should perform searches by yourself to observe all the changes that took place in search result page ranking.

It also concerns the new priority list of keywords, locally as well as internationally. An update effectively alters the emphasized keywords you use in your content. The same strategy applies to backlinks and/or internal links. Authoritative websites may have a hard time due to all the changes that took place.

Take Action

You should know all the fundamental issues regarding your affected webpages by now. So, prioritize relevance to build authority while deciding to make changes according to updated algorithms. Improving the overall content quality and/or element may seem like an overwhelming task with every update.

Integrate advanced analytical tools to develop a reasonable plan to regain your lost position. Continue updating keywords, adding authentic information, improving readability to push your content value. It’s better to devise a strategy where minimal changes in content will keep up with Google core updates.

Always emphasize user experience to hold an enduring or consistent success against ever-evolving core algorithms. Adopting a user-centric approach, no matter when you’re making content, genuinely serves the needs. It goes well beyond cheap, spammy, vulgar practices while serving the intended context.

Wrapping Up

Major dipping obviously requires a lot of pulling to regain control over reasonable success in SEO. Recovering often seems tricky and problematic with continuous updates affecting your webpages. Google covers 83.5% of search engine usage, requiring it to remain vigilant against everything. So, developing a strategic SEO to cope with the updates as soon as possible is the ultimate solution.

Contact Tectera who are a SEO company in Scarborough to to recover from Google Algorithm Updates.

Looking for E-Commerce vs Dropshipping guide?

Setting up a reasonable online business is now considerably easy, thanks to globalization. However, succeeding in an online initiative is getting complicated for the same reason. That’s why you must narrow down your scope before implementing a business idea.

Access to internet through smartphones revolutionized the idea of e-commerce. Even dropshipping, a similar yet distinctive idea, can give you an online breakthrough. How the two differ from one another should get on your priority list to decide on the ultimate venture.

What is E-Commerce?

Electronic Commerce, shortened to e-commerce, is the approach to buying and selling products or services online. The transaction can take place through smartphone apps, websites, online marketplaces. It can come in numerous types, sizes, goods to meet consumer demands.

The traditional e-commerce model requires you to have a website with listed products, buying carts, and payment systems. It has been a massively popular industry and continues to expand its reach and revenue. Almost all kinds of items are now possible to buy and/or sell online.

Amazon, Wayfair, eBay, and Boohoo are some of the most widely checked-out e-commerce sites in the world. It has become a norm to do business while revolutionizing the way our way of shopping. Common features of a well-founded and well-operating e-commerce business include –

  • A proprietary or rental warehouse to process all the placed or returned orders.
  • Proprietary or courier services to make the delivery with or without certain exceptions.
  • Complete control over the entire customer service or query, pre-sale and post-sale.
  • A specific fulfillment center to handle the packaging as well as shipping requirements.

The first-hand advantages of any e-commerce business enlist –

  • Exclusive catering to keep up with customer likes, tastes, favors.
  • Provision of a secure network of transactions for retail businesses.
  • Considerably cheap to run/maintain compared to offline stores.
  • Absolute control over the ordering, packaging, shipping process.

Some of the concerning limitations to address with e-commerce features –

  • Smooth, interdependent, active end-to-end management.
  • High cost of rental spaces to set up warehouses for goods.
  • Keeping the inventory relevant to customer tastes or likes.
  • Incredible competition poses challenges in the beginning.

The total number of online stores is expected to remain within 12 – 24 million in 2024. And enthusiasts related to e-commerce are mostly 18-24 years old in the USA. It demonstrates what youngsters think of this consistently growing niche market to make a living.

What is Dropshipping?

It’s the retail fulfillment process by a store without keeping the product or service in stock. The store purchases the sold services or products from a third-party supplier. It’s the supplier who has everything in stock, ultimately sending the goods to the customer.

In short, you’ll place the order with a merchant and the merchant will buy goods from suppliers. And the supplier will directly send the goods to you. It’s the supplier who handles storage, packing, and delivery. The merchant, in charge of marketing, never sees goods.

AliExpress, CJdropshipping, and Meesho are the leading examples of such businesses. it’s more like a category of modern e-commerce, exclusively popular in the fashion industry. The fundamental points or features related to a steadfast dropshipping business include –

  • Supplier’s handling of the entire fulfillment process.
  • Steady customer service along with pre-sale queries.
  • Somewhat uncertain post-sale customer service/aid.
  • Suppliers often come from wholesale marketplaces.

The primary benefits you can enjoy with dropshipping include –

  • Minimal manpower requirement, so it takes low cost and no labor.
  • No premises or storage requirements to save your rental expenses.
  • Comfortably reaching global audiences without delivery concerns.
  • Financially cheaper to start, operate, maintain, handle by yourself.

However, there are associated drawbacks with dropshipping, like –

  • Low-profit margin due to no involvement in the fulfillment process.
  • Limited to zero quality control in hand over purchased goods/products.
  • Level of offering reasonable solutions to refund or return is narrow.
  • Low control over the delivery timeline on the international purchase.

Still, an online can push its profit margin by 50% by starting the business. However, the profit margin is more like 15% – 20% on average for any business in the niche market. However, nearly 27% of all retailers now use dropshipping for product, good, service fulfillment.

Dropshipping vs E-Commerce: Key Differences

Measuring one against the other in terms of online retailing is somewhat straightforward. The crucial distinction points between the two implies –

  • Fulfillment Process: E-commerce handles almost everything, from taking orders to final delivery. Dropshipping only places the order, the supplier handles everything else to make the delivery.
  • Inventory Management: Dropshipping relies on suppliers without managing or holding goods. E-commerce purchases, stores, delivers, maintains inventory through steadfast management.
  • Upfront Investment: Traditional e-commerce is costly due to rentals, security, management, buys, hiring. Dropshipping keeps expenses minimal, suiting entrepreneurs with low capital.
  • Inventory Risks: E-commerce has to bear risks associated with unsold goods, requiring clearance sales. Dropshipping only deals with order placement, terminating the liquidation requirements.
  • Product Selection: Dropshipping can expand product catalogs based on the supplier’s inventory. But e-commerce allows curating control by providing a specific selection of available products.
  • Scalability: More inventory, higher lineup, optimized supply make ecommerce sufficiently scalable. Dropshipping is more scalable as it enables quick listing of goods from different niches.
  • Profit Margin: Dropshipping offers slimmer profitability due to the need to offer competitive prices. E-commerce has superior margins with specific-priced proprietary products/services.
  • Branding: It’s difficult to think of a reasonable model to promote a dropshipping business. However, e-commerce goes for full-scale marketing with visuals, motto, vision, logo, value, etc.
  • Control: Dropshipping limits the control over product quality since everything gets handled by suppliers. E-commerce enables excellent customer experience with full control over anything.

Dropshipping should be your choice when you’re about new initiatives, limited capital, market trend experimentations, flexible product offerings, or low-risk trials. Concerns like specific niche, quality control, higher risks, long-term vision, brand recognition, good capital should get ecommerce for you.

Wrapping Up

It takes no technical understanding to evaluate your capability, objective, expectation. That should help you choose in a better way. You don’t have to spend a fortune on fiercely competitive e-commerce when the resources are limited. Even so, you should give dropshipping a trial to see how things work. Then, you can eventually expand your niche to transform or combine both to establish a full-scale business.

Contact Tectera who offers ecommerce development in Toronto for ecommerce website development.

Wants To know how to improve online business sales?

Growing your sales for online businesses may seem like an overwhelming task with fierce competition. It’s no longer an easy task where you can simply circulate and your sales with go through the roof.

But improving your online business sales is possible rather comfortably with the right strategies. And you better take a look at the best practices to start presenting what you have before the audience.

Content Marketing

It’s a strategic approach to develop and distribute relevant, informative, consistent content to drive profitable client action. The primary focus remains on the circulation of useful content to attract and retain the loyalty of customers, current and potential.

The conversion funnel separates all the marketing elements based on their effectiveness. It comprises of three segments – 1) Top, 2) Middle, 3) Bottom.

Top of the Funnel features the following to create brand awareness –

  • Blogs
  • Reels
  • Podcasts
  • Infographics
  • Video Ads
  • Checklists
  • Ebooks
  • Webinars

Middle of the Funnel features the following to provoke client engagement –

  • Newsletters
  • Product Demo
  • Whitepaper
  • Interactive Content
  • Landing Page
  • Case Studies
  • Long Videos

Bottom of the Funnel features the following to drive customer purchase –

  • Personalized Emails
  • User-Generated Content
  • Pricing Webpages
  • Comparative Blogs
  • Video Demos
  • Remarketing Campaigns

Blogs provide up to 67% more leads for businesses, the same percentage goes for business-to-business (B2B). And branded videos can motivate up to 88% of customers to buy services and/or products.

It’s common to feel severely overwhelmed with content marketing once you get started. But you can ease the entire process by adopting a systematic approach instead of random actions. The essential steps to follow to succeed in long-term content marketing include –

  1. Identifying your current and potential/future audiences.
  2. Determining the right formats for corresponding content.
  3. Short-term distribution schedule (no excessive ambition).
  4. Compelling content with actionable pieces (no jargon).

Content marketing can incorporate unique values into your brand, shining bright in the market. Content to attract, engage, drive should help you reach more people in need of your service, booming sales.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO deals with improvement strategies for your website’s structure and content. It directly helps the webpages to be discovered by people looking into specific topics on search engine results page (SERP). A set of well-laid technical practices corroborate the ranking algorithm to put your webpage on top.

It’s all about ranking higher on search engines, particularly Google, to drive more traffic to your website. The term ‘Search Engine’ is nearly synonymous with Google, given its 92% market share in the business. Modern SEO requires a lot of time, money, effort to get the results as no shortcut can do it rightfully.

The five key factors to decide your webpage SEO are –

  1. Keyword
  2. Relevance
  3. Quality
  4. Usability
  5. Context

These key factors actively take part in defining distinctive categories of SEO for websites, like –

  • On-Page SEO: Quality, structure, keywords of individual webpages make up the SEO.
  • Technical SEO: Overall performance from security, architecture, UX are the factors here.
  • Off-Page SEO: Facts like backlinks, reputation, internal linking sum up the SEO class.

Another three subtypes directly contribute to the structure of SEO core –

  • Image SEO: Combination of technical and on-page facts to appear on image search.
  • Local SEO: Reviews, Google Business Profile, Listings to rank higher on Google Maps.
  • Video SEO: Combination of off-page, technical, on-page facts for video search results.

Increased visibility is the prime concern of SEO, putting your webpage on top of other results. The higher you appear, the likeliness of more traffic will increase. It means more customers will check your services or products, leading to brand recognition. And it can help boost your online sales through engagement.

Social Media Marketing

Digital Marketing or E-Marketing is just another name for Social Media Marketing (SMM). It involves the use of social media platforms to promote brands, engage customers, motivate sales. You can effectively leverage the power of massive social media networks with a proper marketing management skill.

The following segments can give you a well-laid head start on social media marketing –

  1. Profile Optimization: Complete, active, CTA profile with essential links to the website.
  2. Posting: Useful, entertaining, relevant media (posts, images, videos, reels, lives, stories).
  3. Engagement: Like, comment, share posts while following other influencers or clients.
  4. Advertisement: Paid marketing strategies to reach target, exclusive, potential audiences.
  5. Tracking: Continuous assessment of metrics through analytical tools to see what works.

Over 70% of users suggested a positive experience with businesses on social media. It’s a colossal market where a fraction means a lot. Your sales may skyrocket with the proper implementation of strategies.

Social Media Marketing is a part of content marketing as well as search engine optimization. You can’t neglect the opportunities lying within the large portfolio. The niche market has become an integral part of modern online marketing.

Paid Advertising

It’s the marketing approach where businesses and/or companies pay a reasonable amount to a platform to display their ads. Advertisers rent a virtual space to show products, offers, services to clients. The limitless boundary of the digital world expanded the distinctive categories of paid ads as well.

You should check into the following types to get started –

  1. Pay-Per-Click: Advertisers pay upon clicking on their ads.
  2. Social Media Ads: Ads placed or circulated on social media networks.
  3. Display Ads: Images, Texts, Videos displayed on websites.
  4. Native Advertising: Integration of ads to the advertising website.
  5. Remarketing: Showing products to clients already visited your website.
  6. Video Ads: Displaying short videos on video-sharing sites.
  7. Influencer Ads: Hiring or paying popular influencers for endorsement.

This method is highly scalable, often driving instant results by sending waves via many target options. You’ll find many great platforms to start circulating paid ads to engage more audiences. And there are great online tools to help you with successful paid ads campaigns.

Likewise, Paid Advertising also concerns search engine optimization as well as content marketing. There’s no way to neglect the power of paying platforms to show your ads. No wonder why getting a thousand customers on Facebook costs merely $12 on average for businesses.

Wrapping Up

Online marketing is no longer a touch-and-go for businesses. Expecting results tomorrow after doing your marketing tasks today won’t do it. You must keep up with the flow and continue updating. The four strategies cover nearly all the basics with many in-depth details, understanding, attempts. Sticking to the rightful guns will eventually give you the desired sales outcome.

Contact Tectera who offer SEO services in Scarborough for SEO services.

Wants to know how to add OTP verification to WordPress website?

About 43.3% of all websites are built on WordPress, counting about 472 million. And 20.2% of WordPress sites are WooCommerce, presenting 163.5 million stores. So, the number of accounts, transactions, and registrations is incredibly large.

You must feel the urgent need to secure your website built on WordPress where transactions take place. Security against scams, hacks, frauds is a top priority for every website owner. And that’s where an OTP (One-Time Password) can save the day.

OTP Verification for WordPress Websites

Fraudulent or scamming transactions not only affect the involved parties but also devastate a website’s reputation. OTP is a simple yet secure measure to ensure the identity of the customer to confirm a safe transaction in no time.

Almost all leading payment gateways have already implemented such measures to verify your contact number or email address. Also, banks involved in the payment process can’t raise questions or disputes on unnecessary fees.

Hence, installing and activating an OTP plugin for individual WordPress websites is gaining popularity. Not all plugins are equally good in terms of functionality, support, ease, security. You should look for the following plugin facts –

  • Verification: Sending verification codes to email/SMS.
  • Notification: Alerts on order placement and status.
  • Integration: Ability to adopt other themes and plugins.
  • Flexibility: Seamless integration with different gateways.
  • Language: Different language support for the plugin.

You may compromise with one or two features based on your target audiences. However, keeping up the website’s overall performance requires a good plugin. Otherwise, you may end up losing potential clients alongside your reputation.

Integration of OTP Verification to WordPress: Step-by-Step

Adding an OTP verification system to your WordPress website is an incredibly straightforward process. It only takes minutes to complete the entire process without any trouble or hassle. The process is primarily divided into two fundamental parts –

Segment 01: Installation and Activation of the OTP Verification Plugin in WordPress

  1. a) From WordPress Dashboard –
  2. Navigate to the ‘plugins’ tab from your WordPress dashboard.
  3. Click on the ‘Add New’ button on the right-top section on ‘Plugins’.
  4. Enter a plugin name into the popped-up search query or box.
  5. Activate the chosen ‘plugin’ by clicking on the ‘Activate’ button.
  6. b) From WordPress Website –
  7. Download the desired plugin from
  8. Unzip or extract the compressed file to get the plugin directory.
  9. Upload the file to your personal ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  10. Activate the downloaded plugin from the actual plugin webpage.

Segment 02: Registering and Enabling Verification Options from the Plugin Dashboard

  1. Register to the downloaded and activated plugin to open a new account.
  2. Alternatively, login to the activated plugin when you already have an account.
  3. Navigate to the ‘Form’, ‘Payment’, or ‘Payment Form’ tab within the plugin.
  4. Press the ‘Enable Phone/Email Verification’ button based on preferences.
  5. Click on the ‘Save Settings’, ‘Save’, or ‘Save Changes’ buttons at the bottom.
  6. Go to the landing page or form fill-up page to test the plugin functionality.

You can also set other settings like email/SMS templates, OTP length, validity period, popup design, etc. However, check whether the OTP verification actually works before anything else.

Popular WordPress OTP Verification Plugins

You should implement a solid two-factor authentication (2FA) system while looking into OTP plugins. It’s a two-step process to confirm your identity using two of three possible factors. These factors would be –

  • Something you currently have
  • Something you currently are
  • Something you currently know

What you have and what you know are the most commonly implemented factors in modern 2FA. What you know particularly denotes a password whereas what you have indicates device, address, token, etc.

A vast number of plugins are available to enable distinctive tasks for a WordPress site. And the topic in question, OTP verification, is no different. Some noteworthy plugins to let you start OTP verification are –

  1. miniOrange
  2. Duo
  3. Two Factor Authentication
  4. Clef
  5. WP Simple Firewall
  6. Rublon
  7. WP Simple Pay
  8. Tablesome

Every plugin comes with peculiar advantages against certain drawbacks. However, the basics are almost the same for all. Even the plugins’ addition and/or activation don’t differ noticeably from one another.

miniOrange features the most advanced two-factor authentication as a WordPress plugin. You can have proactive measurements with several backup solutions to address security concerns rather perfectly.

Wrapping Up

You should go for the right OTP verification plugin to secure your WordPress website right away. Without implementing such a simple yet powerful aid, you’re risking literally everything. It takes no special skills, suggestions, or fees to incorporate the measure against deception.

To add OTP verification to WordPress website contact Tectera a website development company in Toronto.

Wants to know how to improve Google Ads conversion rate?

Businesses of any size and type can reach out to target audiences through Google Ads, a powerful and popular advertisement platform. The primary objective of any marketing or advertisement campaign is to make clients pay for services or products.

That’s where conversion rate comes into play, determining % of viewers to take action. And the action can range from a purchase down to a form fill-up. Improving the percentage is crucial to surge the ROI (return on investment) for satisfactory revenue.

Knowing the tricks to improve Google Ads conversion rates can help you achieve the illustrious goal.

Refine Your Audience Targeting

Sticking to the same market audience, even from a year ago, may not do you any good in the long run. Today’s digital media rapidly changes the taste, requiring you to re-evaluate and segment the profiles.

Refining the target will help you grab the changes in customer interests, likes, trends. However, don’t overwhelm yourself with too many distinctions. The lead factors to determine audience segment are –

  • Geographic
  • Demographic
  • Psychographics
  • Behavioral Facts

The ‘one size fits all’ no longer applies to the evolving market. And you can’t keep customers engaged with such an obsolete approach. Segmenting audiences will serve client needs, pushing conversion rates.

Use Specific Keywords

Not all can relate to the importance of specific keywords to push Google Ads conversion. It’s because the SEO-oriented approach has become a blind strategy to use all kinds of keywords.

However, not all phrases or word strings used as keywords are equally relevant, popular, or reasonable. That’s why you need a proper evaluation of keywords to track down the top ones.

Analyzing your possible competitors as well as the SERP (search engine result page) can help you here. Identifying the search intent is closely associated with specific keyword searches.

Use Negative Keywords

Overstuffing your content with irrelevant keywords may generate extra traffic to no avail. All keywords must align with your objectives, targets, products. Exploring negative keywords can help you cut out unwanted or irrational audiences.

There are thousands of negative keywords available to pump up the targeted rate. Even Google features a detailed guide and a brief list of these words or word strings. A few of the most widely used terms you can add to your content include –

  • Article
  • Guide
  • Checklist
  • Blog
  • How to
  • Facts
  • Idea
  • What
  • Tips

It specifically boosts conversion rates by efficient spending on advertisement campaigns. It concerns a superior ad placement where you can expect more clicks. The quality score also improves, making Google show your ads in the proper places.

Write Compelling Ad Copy

The written or spoken texts to appear in your intended Google ads define the term ‘ad copy’. It focuses on words to pique customer interest, ultimately motivating the client to purchase. There are different formats of modern ad copy. But we’ll limit the emphasis on online ad copy for Google.

A compelling ad copy to drive consumer interest and desire requires the following –

  • Strong headline
  • Powerful words
  • Statistical proof
  • Consistent tone
  • Skipping clickbait
  • Remain relevant
  • Become topical

The factors mentioned above merely cover the tip of the iceberg as it takes other supplementary parts. It’s all about crafting a strong message for your refined audience with striking words. Resonating your ad copy based on what you actually want can provide an incredibly fast outcome.

Match Ad Copy to Landing Pages

Connecting the landing page to your Google Ad copy is an integral part of more conversions. It’s about syncing the message on your ad copy with what you have on the landing page.

Some of the noteworthy practices to match the two include –

  • Ad copy keywords will mirror the actual user search.
  • Proper placement of ad copy in search result pages.
  • Landing pages will demonstrate rightful placements.
  • Narrowing down ad copy to a few defined attributes.
  • Always ending the ad copy with Call-to-Action (CTA).

A clear, compelling, concise CTA often encourages the users to take action on the landing page. The same goes for ad copy which should keep the viewers engaged and stimulated.

Optimize Your Landing Pages

It’s common to see your conversion still ditched despite changing your approach. Even pics, headlines, or messages can’t draw attention to your website. That’s when you should turn your focus on landing pages instead of ad copy.

Transforming your landing page performance, quality, acceptance will require the following basics –

  • Use of shorter sentences made of simple words.
  • Inducing emotion within audiences to drive value.
  • Captivating images to drive the users’ attention.
  • Applying lists and/or bullet points when possible.
  • Crafting the pages for mobile-centric audiences.
  • Use distinctive page design for different ad copy.

Likewise, there are more factors involved in a decisive and complete landing page optimization. Steady fill-up, quick action, simple layout, attractive design should get the priority. Aligning the entire segment can boost conversions.

Track Your Conversions

Evaluating the conversion rates of Google ads is mandatory to understand the success of your campaign. It requires the installation and subsequent checking of ‘Google Tag’ to place your specific code.

Google tag will establish new cookies to store information on a user’s activities upon clicking on your ad. You’ll also need to install a short snippet to make the Google tag work properly via the code.

Correct tracking setup will let you see the data from your Google Ads account. Check conversions on ‘conv.’ column, conversion rates on ‘conv. Rate’ column, and cost per conversion in ‘cost/conv.’ column.

Test Different Ad Variations

Experimenting with ads at different scales with multiple versions of your ad copy defines ad variations. It primarily concerns the testing of alternative headlines, descriptions, messages for effectiveness. You can apply immediate changes across large promotional campaigns for Google’s insights.

Testing variations increase CTR (click-to rate) while dipping CPC (cost per click) to push total conversions. It allows you to highlight new or unique benefits, features, stats to the refined audience. A/B testing, as well as automated testing, are two closely associated methods for the built-in feature.

Wrapping Up

Google Ads PPC (pay-per-click) model will cost a significant fortune without appropriate implementation. You need to get rid of unwanted clicks while motivating your actual customers for desired actions. And conversion rate is a compulsory part of promotional or marketing campaigns conducted online. Hence, it should be in your best interest to flourish the percentage accordingly for the value.

Contact Tectera SEO agency in Scarborough for Google ads services.

Looking for SEO benefits of Infographics?

The ever-growing competition in online presence has been bursting at the seams with content. It’s no longer viable to stick to text-based storytelling to keep the audience engaged. Instead, providing visual storytelling via infographics can get you the desired breakthrough.

What are Infographics?

Visual representation of information and/or data makes up an infographic, blending ‘information’ and ‘graphic’ together. It primarily offers colorful imagery with limited, insightful, and nominal texts. Every infographic uses illustration, design, typography to communicate information to audiences.

This visual format effectively clarifies unnecessarily wordy, boring, lengthy articles to make data easily understandable right away. It often maintains a standard content format to let users grab the entire feature almost instantly. There are different types of infographics you can find on webpages.

  • Timeline: It denotes historical events with significant turning points in a linear approach.
  • Informational: Images, icons, texts get combined together to explain topics and theories.
  • Statistical: It frequently employs different charts/graphs for a well-informed comparison.
  • Interactive: Hovering or clicking is available on numerous sections with interactive parts.
  • Animated: It’s more like a video with multiple visual components to realize difficult ideas.

Integrating infographics into your webpage has become one of the most extant SEO strategies right now. Users don’t have the time to go through everything you want to explain in words. Infographics shorten your entire message while saving time on all sides.

It exerts direct as well as indirect effects on modern SEO, pumping up your rank in search engines. Let’s break down the top 5 benefits you can achieve from the incorporation of infographics.

01. Boosted Organic Traffic

The combination of vibrant colors, striking imagery, informative content, and concise segments easily stand out amidst prolonged texts. It creates a visual story far more effective than genderized writing to send a message. They also impart more engagement and superior shareability for the audience.

So, you can spark up the viewers\’ interest with a simple infographic without going verbose. They’ll tend to share the graphical presentation more on social media networks with others. That’s where the organic traffic to your webpages will likely boom as people may continue exploring the website.

A memorable, appealing, and usable infographic further remains in the viewers’ minds for long. More impactful messages will make most of the clients return to your website for additional content. Hence, you can expect a great surge in loyalty by a significant fraction of the potential audiences.

02. Improved Link Building

A well-designed infographic is often well-liked by other websites, blogs, and/or platforms. It gives you the chance to develop a strong backlink network rather comfortably. The content remains entirely shareable, allowing others to spread or mention the targeted graphics’ link almost anywhere.

However, attracting high-quality backlinks is crucial to get a massive boost in modern SEO. Authoritative sites will have to consider your webpages with top-notch infographics, underlying insights, messages.  Traditional writing full of texts often takes excessive attempts to get such an easy task done.

Having a good backlink network has long been an essential requirement for Google SEO ranking. You can’t expect your websites and/or webpages on top of others with striking graphical presentations. It’s the other way to build better, further, more backlinks to give the ranking a magnificent push.

03. Increased Dwell Time

It’s imperative to keep your viewers on targeted webpages for a while checking out the entire content. Dwell time determines the average time spent by users on a webpage, ranging from the click on links to SERP (search engine results page). It’s more like an indirect factor associated with website SEO.

Every website owner wants audiences to spend more time on webpages to discover, read, and explore information. A minimal dwell time indicates your content struggles to keep the users interested. But infographics are powerful enough to significantly alter the trend with proactive user engagement.

People find graphical presentations more interesting, catchy, understandable in terms of reading. Top-quality infographics can hold a user’s attention while provoking him/her to explore other content. So, the total time spent on your website should get up front to impact Google’s ranking algorithm.

04. Targeted Keywords

Keywords can directly affect the entire SEO. Creating a high-quality infographic still remains incomplete with specified keywords on board. Including popular search terms can help search engines discover your graphical content more easily. It can range from one word to a phrase based on the information.

You’ll need comprehensive, in-depth, committed keyword research before laying out content. When important keywords are missed, search engine algorithms struggle to rank and/or index the webpage. It’s impossible to achieve the desired success in modern SEO without emphasizing these keywords.

Infographics can accommodate a good number of keywords within a confined graphical space. You don’t have to include many texts to make things understandable there. Properly placing the targeted keywords is likely to deliver the message accordingly. That’s where infographics can alter the ranking factor.

05. Enhanced Brand Awareness

Sending or spreading brand messages is somewhat easy with excellent and elegant infographics. It drives more people to check out what you have in store. Products, offers, services, information – almost everything is simplified with graphics. And they’ll get to know your brand, vision, objective better.

As previously explained, organic traffic plays a key role in pushing your visibility in search engines. It delivers more conversions to keep your graphics on top when users search for specific content. Putting your brand right on the audience’s radar is dependent on the successful implementation of SEO.

The entire prospect of brand recognition as well as brand awareness requires good SEO practices. And every benefit of well-laid infographics can give you a head start. Even brand awareness itself is crucial for modern SEO. It’ll help attract more backlinks to surge organic traffic while motivating dwell time.

Wrapping Up

Everything seems interconnected in SEO associated with graphical presentations. That’s why this web element effectively powers up your online visibility, presence, acceptance. Plain words aren’t enough to explain everything in simple where infographics ultimately change the approach. You better start looking into more graphics to simplify your messages for everyone’s quick understanding.

Contact Tectera a SEO company in Scarborough for SEO services.

A perfect server-side application development concerns proper implementation of back-end programs. And PHP happens to be the most widespread choice for such tasks, covering over 76% of all websites. JavaScript also shares a magnificent portion where NodeJS often pops up while discussing the tasks.

A common misconception also revolves around Node.js being a programming language or framework. Since Nodejs continues to thrive in web app development, it\’s crucial to understand the basic details. That’s why we’re about to go through a comparative PHP vs NodeJS work to get the what and why.

What is PHP?

PHP stands for ‘Hypertext Preprocessor’ – a server-side, scripting, open-source programming language. It can effectively create and manage dynamic websites, databases, webpages with exclusive features. PHP only looks forward to continuous upgrades since its invention in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf.

The standout features of this programming language are –

  • Direct execution in servers for processing to minimize waiting time.
  • Seamless integration to leading databases (Oracle, Sybase, PostgreSQL, Informix, MySQL).
  • Powerful content management system with user accessibility control.
  • Easy support to multiple main protocols like HTTP Basic, IMAP, HTTP Digest, FTP, and others.
  • Embedding into HTML files as writing HTML codes in PHP is possible.
  • Large, supportive, robust codebase includes a large number of popular development stacks.
  • Faster loading of webpages to impact the overall SEO of the website.

All these actively contribute to some of the quintessential positives required by a web application. That’s why top sites (Wikipedia, Facebook, WordPress) are built on PHP. Its range of primary benefits covers –

  • Advanced customization palette.
  • Superb level of programming flexibility.
  • Universal cross-platform compatibility.
  • Easy to understand for the developers.
  • Plenty of available tools for coding.

Likewise, there are limitations to confront while using PHP for your web development project. It’s often difficult to add further functionalities seamlessly upon merging HTML code. Slow testing as well as poor debugging also troubles many developers. Even the security concerns are likely to give you a headache.

What is Node.JS?

It’s a cross-platform, open-source, single-threaded runtime environment built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript (JS) engine. Node.js is more like a library to help run/operate JavaScript applications outside mobile browsers. You can build scalable, real-time, responsive, server-side network applications.

NodeJS, Node.JS, Nodejs, Node.js – all terms are the same. Ryan Dahl developed the relatively new yet highly useful system. You can download the latest version from

The most prevalent features of Node.JS would be –

  • All NodeJS APIs are asynchronous and non-blocking in nature.
  • Nodejs follows an event-driven mechanism to receive/track responses.
  • Single-threaded architecture to make Node.js more scalable.
  • Creation of limited threads to handle a huge/large number of requests.
  • Integration of V8 JavaScript runtime motor for fast execution.
  • Supports nearly all operating systems – Unix, Windows, Linux, MacOS.
  • Incredibly fast data streaming action without any buffering.

Nodejs helps developers to create apps rather quickly with real-time experience. it incorporates a well-laid distributive infrastructure for the app. So, developers need minimal time to make crucial changes (updates). No wonder why nearly 85% of all developers choose NodeJS to make websites.

Some of the common Node.js applications include –

  • Real-time applications
  • Single-Page Applications
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Microservices
  • Command-Line Tools
  • Web servers
  • Streaming Applications

Websites like Netflix, Walmart, NASA, Medium, Trello, PayPal, LinkedIn, Uber, eBay, etc. feature NodeJS. Still, you’ll have to address certain issues while using the environment. Not all server hosts can handle the requests, requiring more budget. The complicated coding structure is also difficult to understand.

PLEASE NOTE that NodeJS isn’t a programming language, umbrella term, JavaScript synonym, JavaScript framework/library. It’s the environment where you’ll have all the resources and tools ready to execute code written in a programming language. The language is JavaScript and the environment is Nodejs.

NodeJS vs PHP: Differentiating Comparison

Let’s have a look at the simplified comparison between the two differential segments of programming. We kept the distinctions confined to generic or non-technical measures for a quick understanding.

  • Coding: Well-flourished PHP takes fewer lines for a complete function, making it easier. Nodejs requires more lines to complete a function. But PHP’s integration with databases may present difficulties.
  • Engine: The terms in question have distinctive runtime environments. NodeJS uses Chrome’s V8 engine to enable the operating functions. Scripting engine Zend is in charge of interpreting PHP codes.
  • Performance: NodeJS’s V8 engine provides speedy execution with superfast startup. Concurrent action is also present here. PHP’s synchronous module often leads to delayed loading without concurrency.
  • Concurrency: Line-by-line execution of the code ends up blocking the request on PHP. And the loading time appears late. It’s the opposite for Nodejs, making it capable of handling many connections.
  • Functionality: PHP is purely a language, limiting options for development. Still, it evolves rapidly to push all the functioning features. Node.js is a seamless package without any functioning fragmentation.
  • Ecosystem: Wide libraries and large frameworks are particularly helpful for Node.JS. However, it still remains well behind PHP. The ecosystem is PHP is almost colossal with its proactive community.
  • Framework: Frameworks like Codelgniter, Laravel, Cakephp allow easy backend development with PHP. Newer frameworks are still popping up to compete with Express, Meteor, Derby regarding Nodejs.
  • Hosting: PHP is well-suited to work perfectly with almost all kinds of web servers. NodeJS also goes well, thanks to its interoperability. A broader reach is applicable for PHP where Nodejs may fall behind.
  • Database:js comes with superior support for NoSQL and graphical databases. It seems more suitable for modern web apps. But PHP excels in relational databases to suit traditional web apps.
  • Security: PHP has long been susceptible to security concerns due to its easy use and universal adoption. NodeJS stands better with well-specific security measures alongside lesser risks of vulnerabilities.

Choosing the ultimate runtime environment entirely depends on your project specifications. It’s not exactly which one costs less or works better. You should try NodeJS when performance and ease matter in web development. Real-time apps, front-end techs, and single-page apps coincide much better with Node.js. PHP seems the ultimate option when deployment, integration, and content take priority.

Wrapping Up

Either of the programming terms explained above is one of a kind from working principles and primary features. Both continue to grow in resources while helping millions of professionals across the globe. Learning PHP may seem easy with steadfast basics while NodeJS will take a steeper understanding. Still, PHP and Node.JS are equally worth the value when you’re seeking a career path.

Contact Tectera a web design company in Toronto to develop a website.

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