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Advance the content marketing strategy in order to gain leads and bring out more conversations in order to turn visitors into loyal customers with a simple and easy way: call to action (CTA).

What is a call to action?

A call to action or a CTA is a piece of wording that will induce a viewer to perform any kind of an action in order to engage more with a brand or a site.

The websites that are engaged in e-commerce usually put this into use in the form of buttons or hyperlinked phrases in order to encourage their buyers to buy a product. This is one of the key elements that a website can put to use in order to interact with users and to effectively attract them for purchases.

The main goal of a CTA is to use a small sentence to push the viewer to perform a specific action. These can also create a sense of an urgency which is also proven to increase the conversion rates effectively.

CTAs can be utilized in social media as well as in email marketing campaigns, paid advertisements, blog posts and even on landing pages.

It is becoming one of the most used and a common type of a marketing strategy in the business world.

Why is CTA important? 

CTA can make a huge impact on guiding and improvising the visitors and users to perform certain actions. This will directly affect conversion rates and SEO.

When simple and direct statements are used, it conveys the viewer to perform actions. It makes the direction clear for them. This also helps the viewer to understand and clarify things on what to do and where to go.

Every piece that is used for marketing, whether it’s a content piece or a post, CTA makes it more powerful by increasing the audience. This will alternatively affect sales increases as well.

If the CTA is crystal clear, the viewers won’t doubt what all the content says. This will help in building interest and excitement and will keep everyone encouraged to look more into the website.

Placing CTAs on different pages of the website can increase the conversion rates by improving the performance. These will make it easier to locate the products and the services of a website. The usage of the site will increase while gaining more loyal customers.

People tend to rely on CTAs these days as it’s easy to find things that they need. This will benefit both parties.

Best call to action phrases 

CTA can be of many different types. And here are some of the best and trendy types of CTAs that any type of website can use.

  • Direct CTA

This can be used if the customers or viewers need to be directly pushed into something. This can be either a product or a service.

  • Shop now
  • Add to cart
  • Buy now

These are some of the direct CTAs.

  • ‘Free’ based CTA

You can highlight a free offering to users by utilizing these CTAs. Some of the examples are,

  • Watch for free
  • Download for free
  • Free trial
  • Invitation CTA

CTAs sometimes can be an invitation for something. This type is usually used in social media or blogs. Users will be out of curiosity and they want to explore things further.

  • Find more
  • Check this out
  • Learn more
  • Read more

Are some of the examples for this category.

  • Registering CTA

This type is common in ecommerce websites and social media platforms. It encourages the users to start using something by getting registered or creating an account. CTAs such as,

  • Sign up
  • Join us now
  • Create your account

Can be under this category.

  • Email CTA

This is important when it comes to email marketing. These CTAs are important in collecting emails. Users on the other hand can be given discounts or something free for giving the details.

  • Subscribe
  • Download
  • Sign up

These are some of the email CTAs that can be used.

Components of a compelling call to action

 There are a lot of tips on how to create effective CTS. And a few best practices will help out in creating them.

  • Clarity

A CTA that is compelling should be easy and clear to understand. Using the simplest language would be helpful in this scenario.

  • Urgency 

Give a reason for the viewers to take action at once. Use attractive words to create a sense of urgency.

  • Specificity 

Be specific on what you are expecting from the viewers. It will explain them well based on your expectations.

  • Value proposition 

Give a reason for the audience in order to take action. Explain everything that they will receive and how it will be valuable for them.

  • Trustworthiness 

Build up trust with the audience by using things like feedback, reviews and testimonials from trusted sources.

  • Accessibility 

Use a clear button with a vibrant color or a very clear link that will be easy to find and click. This will make it easy for them to take action.

  • Personalization 

Customize the CTA according to the target audience. Use language that will align with them. Address specific points that will emphasize their interests and needs.

  • Visual appeal 

Use elements such as colors, fonts and images to make the CTA stand out and grab the attention of the audience.

  • Convenience 

Make it easy for the audience to take desired action by reducing barriers and simplifying the process. Also make sure the number of steps are reduced.

  • Emotional appeal 

Use language that is emotional which will appeal to the desires, fears and aspirations for the audience.

  • Relevance 

Make sure that the CTAs are relevant to the needs and interests of the audience. And also know which type of viewers that you’re targeting for.

  • Test and optimize 

Testing various CTAs to check which ones will work the best and use optimization techniques in order to improve them.

CTAs have now become an essential for driving customers to take action in marketing campaigns and websites.

So it is crucial to know and learn about the  CTAs well and choose the  best ones that will be effective.

As they help out a business or an ecommerce website in many ways, it needs to be wisely thought out in order to get the best out of it.

Wants to improve Call To Action? Contact Tectera who provides web design in Toronto.

See Also:

Looking for website design ideas for School? Check below best 10 ideas.

In the digital age, school websites are like having a lively stage that shows what they stand for, its successes and how it teaches. Making a school website is not just about its look and feel, it’s about how you can create a good website that incorporates good website design functionalities ans still keep the community involved.

This guide shares ten cool ideas for school website designs. It explains how to use good web design tricks without losing quality and clear communication. 

Let’s see what makes a good website and look at some great examples that use these ideas in their designs!

Responsive Design

Responsive design means making a website work and look good on all kinds of screens and devices. This includes not just pictures and words, but also things like animations, videos, and interactive stuff. 

Here are some great website examples that incorporate responsive design into their websites.

website design ideas for school

The school website is a great example of a design that works well on different devices. It uses moving elements that follow your mouse when you move it. This makes the website fun to use and keeps you interested in what’s on it. It doesn’t matter if you’re on a big computer or a small phone, the website looks good and works the same.

website design ideas for school

Another good example of a website that is responsive is above. It’s designed to keep you interested while you use it. Also, the website loads really fast, so you don’t have to wait. This is important because it makes sure you don’t get bored waiting for things to show up. Above school website shows how a website can be both fun and work well, no matter if you’re on a computer or a phone.

Clear Use Of White Space

Using negative space in a smart way makes it easier to read and focus. A good website leaves enough empty space around their pictures and short descriptions to be noticed well. This helps those things catch the eye and get the attention of people who are interested in the school.

Now, let’s check out some examples.

website design ideas for school

This website shows how to use empty space in a smart way. It lets the different parts of the page have their own space, so you can see and understand everything easily. The website looks clean, and it makes sure you notice the important stuff.

website design ideas for school

This website is another good example of using empty space well. It doesn’t crowd the page with too many things. Instead, it gives each thing its own space to breathe. This makes the website look neat and organised, even if there’s a lot of information.

Visual Appeal

How things look is really important in catching people’s eye and showing what a brand is like. When you’re making a website, you have to be careful about this because if it doesn’t look nice, people might leave quickly. The goal is to want to keep the visitors on your website long enough to tell them what you want to say!

Here are some examples visually appealing websites:

website design ideas for school

When you go to a website, how it looks is the first thing you notice. If it looks good, you’ll want to see more and check out what’s there. This website does a great job of making a good first impression. But, a good design also makes sure it’s easy to use and looks nice at the same time. This website gets that balance right.

website design ideas for school

Having all the important stuff visible at once can increase the value of the website. People like being able to quickly see what they need without feeling confused. This is about making things easy to find and understand. The way a website looks also helps you recognize a brand. This website is a good example that maintains the brand identity as well. 

User-Centred Design

When it comes to school websites, we want to make sure they are easy and helpful for students, parents, and teachers. That’s why we have to focus on designing them with the user in mind! 

Let’s take a look at some examples of school websites that are designed with the user in mind:

website design ideas for school

This website is a great example of thinking about what users want. Everything on the website, like how it’s set up and how you can interact with it, is made with users in mind. When you use this website, it feels like it knows what you want and helps you find it. The important stuff is easy to find.

website design ideas for school

This website is an excellent example. It’s designed to assist parents and students providing information about prices and the staff. This showcases how a website can be helpful when it’s created with users in focus. It’s about ensuring that everyone can easily find what they’re looking for and enjoy their experience.

Clear Navigation

Well-structured website navigation is akin to a road map guiding visitors through the website’s offerings. 

Let’s take a look at some examples:

website design ideas for school

This website is a great example of easy navigation. They’ve organised everything in a smart way so that you can find things easily. It’s like putting similar things together, such as having a section for “courses,” another for “events,” and even a “blogs” section. They also have a search bar that lets you find anything quickly. It’s like having a shortcut to what you’re looking for.

website design ideas for school

This website is a perfect example of how to make moving around really clear. It’s designed so that you don’t get lost. They have a menu with different sections like “About Us,” “Programs,” “Calendar,” and “News.” It’s like having signs that show you the way. This makes using the website much better for everyone.


In this guide, we explored 10 website design ideas for School and learned how to make a great school website while keeping quality communication. 

Now, you can use these ideas for your own school website.

Contact Tectera who provides web design in Toronto to develop school website.

See Also:

With most of the people now accessing the internet using mobile phones and it has become a part of the day to day life, websites should focus on providing a better mobile-friendly experience.

Here are some key techniques and tips to design a mobile-friendly website to make sure that you’re doing it right.

What is ‘Mobile Friendly’?

The meaning of mobile friendly stands for the ability to perform well on devices like mobile phones or tablets.

Here, the regular website shrinks into a smaller version that fits into the display of small devices. This is the same website with the same features. Just the tiny version with all the functions. 

The experience might be a little reduced than the desktop version but it is simple and viewable.

Mobile-friendly sites have features like,

  • Speed page loading 
  • Readable text without zooming 
  • Contents fit to the screen without sideway scrolls 
  • Easily clickable buttons

Why it is important

As more of the viewers check websites on mobile devices, it is important to give them a positive experience.

These types of websites boost sales due to the easy to use interface. People like to interact with hassle free websites that will allow them to engage with the brand completely.

This easy accessibility will create more customers while keeping them for a long term.

Anyone likes to have brands that they can access anytime they want. And the trust has to be built that the website is reliable and credible to use.

A mobile-friendly website can be helpful in building trust between the customers and the business. The innovation, upgrades, offers and adaptivity have to exceed the expectations of the customers so that the loyal customer base as well as the newcomers will be impressed with the brand.

Mobile-friendly websites also increase sales and conversions. The seamless mobile experience is an important point in digitized marketplaces.

These websites also increase the google rankings. Google’s ranking gives priority to the mobile-friendly websites. The speed of downloading, easiness of using, and the content contribute to the ranking of a website. So if you need to keep the SEO ranking high, a mobile-friendly website is a must.

Tips To Create a Mobile Friendly Website

The Responsive Layout Of A Mobile-friendly Website

The design of a mobile-friendly website should make sure that the content of the website and the user interface are well optimized to be used in almost all the devices available. This is known as the responsive layout.

Here, the settings of the website are automated to get adjusted according to the device it’s being viewed. This allows the user to comfortably access and look into the website.

The responsive layout should have some key features for its success.

Scalable images- images adjusted automatically according to the dimensions of the viewing screen. This provides a high end experience.

Easy to navigate menu- an intuitive, easy menu is important and useful for touch screen devices.

Grid system- a flexible grid system enables the content to arrange in columns based on the screen size.

Quick loading- quick and efficient loading of websites are also important.

Call to action- having a direct and a clear call to action button is important to promote the engagement of the users.

Avoiding Pop Ups

Avoiding pop ups in a mobile friendly website is essential as it can interfere with the experience of the users.

Pop ups are specially designed to be displayed in desktop sized screens. These are sometimes not so responsive to the mobile screens. This will be challenging for the user to interact with the website without having trouble.

The pop ups block the content that users are focused on. It will be difficult to watch. This will result in impaired website usability.

Google will subject a penalty on websites that will block the content and obstruct the view with pop ups. This will negatively impact the website’s SEO.

People will bounce from websites where pop ups will appear and become annoyed. This will increase the bounce rate.

Users get frustrated when the interest is interfered. Therefore, avoiding pop ups can help in saving the viewer as well as negatively impacting the above features.

Decluttering The Web Design

Decluttering the web design helps to improve the user experience. There are some areas to focus and develop in this process.

Using a simplified and straightforward menu without many tabs will let the users find things easily.

Create a clean and an uncluttered layout that has a white color background. Avoid using too many colors, textures or patterns.

Using large and easy to read fonts will make the users read the contents comfortably.

Use low resolution pictures and optimize them to reduce the time of page loading. Remove anything that does not add value to the website and make sure it contains only the important contents.

To give users a seamless experience, keep consistency throughout the entire website. Make sure the website is optimized for various devices and use the same design, branding, and layout for all pages.

Avoiding flash

Flash is not compatible with some devices and browsers. This will result in a poor user experience if the website heavily requires flash.

Flash can also slow down the pages sometimes that will affect the mobile users significantly.

The content that uses flash is not accessible for the visually impaired people. This will negatively affect the website.

Flash also comes with security issues that will sometimes compromise the personal information of the users and other sensitive data.

There are other options and alternatives which are safe and optimized that can be used instead of relying on flash.

Optimize Website Speed

For a seamless user experience, optimized website speed is crucial. Here are some tips that can be used to do it.

Reduce and compress the images without compromising the quality. Use appropriate images formats.

Minimize the HTTP requests by combining javascript and CSS into a single file. This will decrease the page loading time.

Remove any unnecessary codes and reduce the number of codes per page that will prevent the slowdown of the website.

Allow browser caching to store information. This will avoid the content reloading when the users visit again.

Use a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute the content of the website across many servers around the world. This will help to reduce the server response time.

Compress Images

Specific softwares are available to help out on this task. These help to compress images without lowering the quality.

Using the correct format to upload can also be helpful in compressing images.

The images can also be resized before uploading. This will reduce the size of the file while improving the speed of the website.

There are applications such as Adobe Photoshop which can be very helpful.

Change Button Size And Placement

Buttons should be larger in size so that they are visible and clear. It should also be able to easily tap.

In order to save the customer base, offer them a variety of payments. The preference of payments differs from one person to another. Therefore consider the most common payment methods and add them up in order to give the customers a secured and a seamless payment experience.

Make the payment process as simple as possible. Refrain from asking customers to fill in forms with a lot of information. Try using auto fill forms in order to make the work easy for both parties.

Large and Readable Font

The readability and the user experience can be enhanced by using large fonts which are readable on a mobile phone or a small device.

It is recommended to use 16 pixels for the body texts and large fonts for other boxes.

 To prioritize significant pieces on the page, use typographic hierarchy.

Choose The Better Colors

A big difference in a mobile-friendly website can be made through the visual appeal of it.

A good color scheme which can give an aesthetic feeling throughout the website, that can please the customers.

Use high contrasting colors to improve the text reading. Limit the colors to reduce visual disturbances. This will help the viewers to focus on the important parts.

Use bold and bright colors to highlight the key factors such as call to action (CTAs). Don’t use this method too much since it will impact the overall effectiveness of the website.

Always test the colors with the fonts, different screen sizes, and light conditions. This is the most important part as this varies from device to device.

Be mindful about different cultures as the colors sometimes have a large impact on different cultures. Therefore the color combinations that are being used have to be appropriate.

Creating a mobile-friendly website is so important in the modernized world. It requires paying attention to all the details. By focusing on all of the above steps and using the given tips, it can be ensured that the website is optimized for all types of devices.

The website will then be able to cater any of the needs of the users and improve the whole experience. 

Contact Tectera who provides web design in Toronto to develop mobile friendly website.

Looking for best CMS platforms?

Any of the successful businesses need to stay connected with the world in order to reach more customers. But not everyone who does business is an expert on how to keep on reaching out to people by using the internet.

This is where a content management system (CMS) comes to play. Keep on reading if you really want to know what it is and what are so far the best 7 CMS platforms that you can use to elevate your business and what you need to consider before choosing one.

What is a CMS?

A CMS is a software that helps people who are doing business and don’t have any technical knowledge to create a website and to manage or modify the content. The CMS will handle the entire infrastructure of your website and you can decide on what should be displayed there.

What to consider before choosing a CMS platform?

Before choosing any CMS platform, the first thing that you have to do is thinking and listing down what are the outcomes that you are expecting to achieve through it. This way, you will be able to choose the right platform that will fulfill all your requirements.  

Your goal might be optimizing your content on search, selling more products or attracting more fans for your blog. No matter what your goal is, be cautious on selecting the right platform, not the most popular one. Here are some main points for you to focus on while looking for the best CMS.

  • Your budget
  • The specific content and process that need the support of CMS
  • Type of other softwares that should be integrated with CMS
  • Easiness of editing 
  • Number of people who will handle the CMS 
  • SEO friendliness 
  • The built on technology of CMS
  • Security measures 

These are some of the points that you should think of before deciding which CMS to choose.

But are you still confused on what are the best ones to choose from?. Well each and every CMS is unique in their own way. And it depends on what functionalities you are finding that are important. 

Let’s talk about some of the best CMS platforms.

1. WordPress


WordPress is a leading open source CMS platform which is free. It is known to be covering around 43% of all websites.

It is very flexible and versatile. It lets you build any kind of website from an online store to a membership site.

To use wordpress, you don’t need to have knowledge on coding. Instead, it allows you to create pages with their themes, plugins and other extras.

The users only have to pay for the domain and web hosting. Everything else is free!. The installation and updating process are also very easy. And there’s no need of having any programming knowledge to handle it. It is also easy to create custom designs and add on any plugins of your choice. The huge community around WordPress is helpful as there are so many support forums that will give quick solutions if any problem is encountered. 

If you’re in need to create a blog or to post tutorials and attract fans, this is so far one of the best CMSs. 

2. Joomla


This is also another open source platform that is available for free. Again if you are not familiar with advanced softwares or coding, this will suit you. 

This CMS uses a WYSIWYG editor that allows the user to manipulate the document layout directly without having a command.

Joomla is compatible with all types of browsers and it ensures the safety of data. The extension directory hosts over thousands of plugins and other extensions. 

It is not SEO friendly and the platform is a bit heavy compared to other CMSs. 

3. Drupal


Drupal is particularly famous as an enterprise level CMS. It is the system that is used by most of the leading brands such as Nestlè, Bayer, Citibank and Tesla. This is also an open source system written in PHP language. Since it’s open sourced, any user can do modifications according to their needs.

This system has many exciting features such as drag-and-drop layout builder. And it’s easy to integrate with other complementary tools. The platform also has unlimited text and media content which are highly customizable. 

It is 100% mobile friendly and ensures the content will be optimized for mobile users. Another strength of Drupal is its largest open source communities. It is one of the best tools to learn and to make connections all over the world. 

4. Wix


Wix is another big CMS among people. It is well known for its outstanding performance and maintenance. It lets you build, update or design your websites without having the knowledge of coding.

The drag-and-drop editor is one of the main features that allows customization of layout, fonts, images or widgets easily. There are hundreds of themes to choose from and there’s a preview option to look at the edits before you add them permanently. 

Wiz has its own SEO tools which are helpful in optimizing websites and increasing organic traffic through search engines. It gives a step wise guidance to gather keywords and to improve the visibility of sites. 

The media manager of Wix lets you add images or store them in one place. All your visual appeals can be handled here. It also supports cloud storage and other media hosting services.

If you run into any problems or have any inquiries, Wix CMS provides you with a dependable and helpful customer care system. You can get in touch with the support staff by phone, email, or chat, or you can visit the help center to get tutorials, videos, and articles on a variety of subjects. Joining the Wix community will allow you to communicate with other Wix users, exchange advice, and receive feedback.

5. Magento


Magento CMS was initially credited on ecommerce needs. But it gradually improved to publish contents as well. It has limitless opportunities to improve businesses online. 

Magento stands high on the list of best ecommerce CMS platforms as it is available in multiple languages and can transact in different currencies. With this CMS, complex pages with rich content can be created. 

It is adhered to Adobe and therefore, it’s reliable with the work of certified developers. The interface is engaging and it gives high value content. You can regularly update and refresh the content on your own. 

It also has in-built SEO features ready to use. This includes automated meta descriptions, seo friendly URLs, hashtags, sitemaps etc. The site performs better with fast searching and short times of page loading. 

The page builder that comes with Magento is a content tool that allows you to do variations on elements , media, content and the page layout. You can either create newest pages or else update, edit and change the existing pages. 

6. Shopify


Shopify is an ecommerce CMS platform that allows you to set up online stores for a monthly fee. It is a cloud based platform that allows businesses to set up and manage online stores without technical knowledge. 

It gives the facility of hosting every single type of data on the cloud. It doesn’t require any other software to be installed additionally. It will take care of running the store, updating, payment gateway handling, and security. 

If you’re looking for a CMS for your online business, Shopify is a great choice. A closer examination of the features offered to consumers might help them maintain their position as one of the best CMS choices available.

7. Hubspot


If you are a marketer and focused on creating engaging websites to drag more customers, Hubspot is the best CMS for you. It’s an all in one platform that provides everything on one single platform. While you design your own website, Hubspot gives you the ability to create landing pages, run email marketing campaigns, and to even handle and keep on track with all the social media platforms. 

A number of advantages come with using HubSpot CMS to build your website, including easy marketing tool integration, a user-friendly platform for creating and managing content, extensive personalisation features, streamlined analytics and reporting, and integrated search engine optimization.

Hubspot doesn’t have any plugins. The server and the security are directly managed by the team. And the team is on to help you out even before you build your website. They will advise on best practices and newest web design trends. They will scan the weekly performance and progress and let you know what needs to be changed. So basically, they help you during the entire process. How cool is that?.

Additionally, it costs less while offering better security and insights than conventional CMS platforms.

Users can create, update, and publish material using a CMS. They can also manage users and permissions, categorize and tag content, integrate with other tools and platforms, and get statistics and reports on website traffic and engagement. It’s crucial to take your website’s requirements, costs, usability, scalability, and security into account when selecting a CMS.

You may enhance user experience and boost the effectiveness of your marketing and sales activities by selecting the appropriate CMS for your company’s requirements. So why not choose a better CMS platform today and take a step ahead on your business?

Contact Tectera who provides web design in Toronto to develop CMS Platforms.

A user friendly website is easy to use, navigate and to find relevant information. It has all these concepts just as the name suggests. Users expect a lot from websites now as new trends keep emerging every day.

So it is the best choice to create a website that is user friendly in order to bring viewers to your website and to encourage them to visit again.

What is Website Usability?

Website usability is all about how easy it is to use and get the best out of the website. Marketers and businesses have to be concerned about usability because it makes a huge impact in a negative or a positive way on different marketing measures.

Why is Website Usability Important?

Users don’t mind whether you have utilized interesting and complex solutions to create a website. It might not impress them. All they care about is how usable the website is.

A convenient and an easy to use website with interesting content will get the attention of any viewer. It will encourage them to be regular clients of the site.

The content of the site must be entertaining and accurate. It is also good to have fresh content by time. This will build trust on the website among the people.

Trust affects greatly for a visitor to keep engaged or build a relationship with the business or the company through the website. This will bring more traffic to the website and generate more traction.

If the website is based on ecommerce, it is better to focus more on website usability. Ecommerce websites are directly in contact with transactions and therefore, it needs to have a smooth and a seamless running. Focusing on usability will bring more sales and more visibility to the brand.

Website usability also helps to ensure that all the data gathered from users and customers is safe. This will help the business to gain popularity among the competitors. Integrating SSL certificates and other needful conformations will give a more secure environment in the website.

Since everyone loves having a fast loading and a speedy experience with websites, make sure your website has it too.

Essential Characteristics of a User-Friendly Website

A successful website has to be user friendly. It should look good while working seamlessly. These are the main keys to being away from competitors.

There are so many ways to improve a user-friendly website. Following these can make a website more attractive among customers and make it successful.

Let’s look into some of the essential characteristics that can be seen in a user friendly website.

Easy Navigation

A better navigation system is one of the most important parts of a website. Simple HTML will work the best and it appears to be consistent in all the platforms.

Use very simplified menus. A drop down menu will work better if the website has many sections and pages. Advanced HTML has now also brought many possibilities in creating new navigation systems. 

And a customized search feature is also helpful for easy navigation. Hyperlink other content on different pages for the users to find every content in the website easily.

Mobile Compatibility

Most of the internet users are having smartphones as their to go device. Therefore creating a mobile friendly website is important.

Checking the presence of the website on mobile devices is important. Every website has to have a mobile version that will adapt to different screens and resolutions. 

Websites that are not optimized according to mobile devices will lead to a poor user experience and this will impact web trafficking. So it is essential to build up a website that has mobile compatibility.

Simple Forms

A user friendly website should have a clean and a simple design which can be easily navigated. The menu should be a simple one and it should be on the same spot at each page.

Using different font sizes to emphasize main topics, sub topics and the body is also easy to understand and it will grab the attention of the user. Having the content on a white background and keeping a white space between the content creates a well balanced page.

Using a modern and a limited color scheme can avoid overwhelming the viewer. Simplifying everything brings more attention to the page and people find it attractive.

Clear Call-to-Action

A clear call to action (CTA) is an essential part of a user-friendly website. It’s a prompt of a button that will encourage the users to do a specific action on the website. It can be purchasing an item or a subscription.

A CTA should be able to clearly communicate with the users and guide them on what to do. Using action oriented simple language is important here.

This should also be highlighted from the rest of the content in a page. Eye catching colors and large fonts can be used. Adding up a FOMO ( fear of missing out) will make it more attractive and users tend to react quickly. 

A CTA with these characteristics will be more effective and improve the website.

Fast Loading

Ability of a website to quickly load while giving users a pleasant and an easy experience is important for a website on its search engine optimization.

The images on a website should be able to download quickly. So the file size has to be reduced without downgrading the quality. Minimized HTTP requests is another special characteristic in fast downloading. This helps to speed up the loading. 

Caching data enables a website to store data in the browser of the user. This reduces the loading time. Also a reliable hosting server can be helpful in loading time.

Well-Formatted Content

A website with well formatted content uses fonts that are easy to read. It should be visible on any device. A clear layout should be presented with a clear navigation option where users are able to quickly find things.

The design of the page has to be consistent where it will be easy for the users to go through the content. 

Adding images and video clips in between the content will engage the users to break and read the block of texts. These media should be relevant to the content.

A well formatted website should be visually appealing and easy to use on any device.

Tips for Creating a User-Friendly Website

The idea behind making a website that is user friendly is to keep them engaged and hang around the website for a considerable time. In order to keep them watching your website, there are ways that can be used to help create a website that is user friendly.

Here are some ultimate tips that can be utilized.

User-First Web Design

Understanding the audience and their needs is the first thing to focus on while creating a website. Do a better research on the audience and what are their needs for a better understanding.

Design the website in an easy to navigate phase. Make sure it is accessible to everyone including differently abled persons.

Choose the Right Colors

Choose the colors that are well aligned with your brand. Identify your band’s particular colors and use them consistently throughout the site.

Also consider the psychological impact of the different colors on the audience. Colors are able to bring up specific emotions and it can influence the behavior of users.

Ensure that you’re aware about people with visual impairments. Choose colors that will make the access convenient for them as well. There are tools that can be used to check on how different color combinations will look. 

Always keep the colors simple. Use a maximum number of colors that will look professional.

Keep It Simple

A complex design can make it for the visitors to navigate the site and easily look for what they need. So keeping it simple is essential.

Keep the design minimal by reducing the visual elements on the website. Use simple fonts and colors. The navigation menu should be easy to understand and use. Make it easy to find anything.

Use white space where users are able to focus on different elements of the website. Avoid using complex language. Keep it concise and understandable.


A mobile friendly website ensures that all the content of the website is optimized for a mobile and easy to access and use on every possible device.

Use a responsive design that is adaptive to all the devices. Optimize images by compressing them so that they are able to download fast. Keep the layout as simple as possible which will make it easy to access through mobile devices. 

Use readable fonts and large icons or buttons to interact easily. Make sure to get the service from a fast and a reliable hosting provider to ensure speeded loading.

A mobile friendly website can achieve higher engagement with improved website traffic.

Compressed Image

Compressing images for a website is an effective way to reduce the size of images. It will improve the performance of the site.

Compressed images download faster than other images. It also requires less bandwidth to load. That can reduce the hosting costs.

Fast loading also improves SEO where it reaches to a higher ranking and increased traffic.

It will also bring more audience that will increase the satisfaction and conversion of the website.

If all these tips could be implemented into a website, creating a user-friendly website can be guaranteed. It is an essential aspect of building an online presence that is very strong in order to enhance the credibility of the brand.

Contact Tectera who provide web design in Toronto to create user friendly website.

Website redesign is the complete process of giving the website a makeover. Every element including content, layout and navigation has to be improved and updated. The ultimate goal of this process is to increase the performance of the website.

Here’s a complete guide for you to understand when and why you need a makeover and how it can be done.

Why Redesign a Website?

There are a lot of reasons why people or companies tend to redesign their websites. Some of the main reasons as below:

Outdated Design

The design and the layout plays a major role in a website. It is the main reason to attract visitors and keep them engaged. If the website design is outdated, the bouncing rate of the customers will be higher. And the other competitors will get the benefit out of it.

Look for the color scheme on the website that is off trend, the old and poor layout designs and fonts that have been used for years. These might be the major reasons for the website to be noted as outdated.

An eye catching website with newest trends is what any customer would look for. A pleasant design catches anyone’s attention and this would lead your website to become their favorite.

Poor User Experience

User experience is also an important factor when it comes to a successful website. If the information and the purpose of the page is not highlighted or well organized, difficult to make a purchase or to get any other information easily, the website needs a massive upgrade.

An easy to navigate, organized website guarantees a smooth run and attraction from the users.

Mobile Responsiveness

Using mobile phones to explore and to shop through the internet has now become the new trend. So a website should be very responsive to any smart device.

If the website doesn’t fit to the screen size or the navigation system is complex, users struggle on going through the website. And in some cases, it takes a lot of time to download a page on a mobile device. And this will not keep the users waiting.

The text is also another major issue. If the font is not easy to read or the text is not legible on all screen sizes, people don’t waste their time sitting and trying to understand things.

Changing Business Goals

A website of a company has to reflect the business goals as it is the first point that the customers get contact. The business goals should be well aligned with the direction of the company.

Generating sales, building brand awareness, establishing competitiveness and providing customer support are some of the main parts in business goals that should be focused on while redesigning.

Signs It’s Time to Redesign

Understanding the weaknesses and the pin points that are needed to be changed in a website is much important in redesigning.

There are signs that will confirm it’s time to design the website again.

There are some main indicators that will tell a website is declining its performance.

Slow loading of pages will let the users to be away from a website. This will also impact on the search engine rankings where it will start to massively drop.

A higher bouncing rate, which means that the users leave the website in a short time will be high and this indicates that they don’t find anything important there anymore.

An outdated website makes it look unprofessional and not trustworthy. If users are not able to find relevant information easily, it makes them frustrated and to stay away from the website. Outdated websites usually don’t have clear navigation and well organized content. These outdated functionalities will lead to a poor experience.

Incompatibility of a website with a mobile device can impact significantly on a business as majority of the web traffic are from mobile devices. If the text of a website is quite small, it is a challenge to read it. 

And modern websites don’t require java or flash. So if your website is still running on these, it may not work correctly on devices. 

Optimizing screen sizes according to the device is also another important feature. If users have to zoom, pinch or swipe to see contents clearly, then the website needs a redesign.

Benefits of Website Redesign

Website redesign can help evolve any business as it relies on the identity and the vision. If these two factors are shifted by time but the online presence is not yet developed, it needs to be redesigned.

There are many benefits of redesigning a website.

The improved experience that the user gets from any website is important and it helps the business to grow. The user-friendly navigation is the most important part that will bring more traffic to the site. It will enhance the users that actually come to the website and actively engage in things.

A fast website with mobile compatibility makes the site more accessible and it will optimize the search of the particular website.

An enhanced brand image will create a positive impression for anyone who is viewing the website. A visually pleasing site will benefit a business in so many ways.

It makes the brand trustworthy and customers find it legitimate and well established. It also emphasizes that the company knows what are new trends and stays up to date with them. 

After the redesign there are some factors that can actually help to increase the conversion rates. A well designed website and a user experience can make it visually pleasing and easy to navigate. This will lead to more positive conversations between the business and the customers.

The updated content can also draw new customers and keep them engaged. Make sure they are upto date and relevant. Include eye catching CTAs (call to action) that will encourage the visitors to be active on the website.

A redesign can also improve the optimization by making the website get better search rankings. This can make the page more visible to users and drive more traffic towards it.

Creating a unique brand identity brings competitive advantage to a business. A custom website can be tailored according to the business in order to match the brand. This makes sure that the website is recognized and stands out among the competitors.

Planning a Website Redesign

The first impression about any business is important. A business needs to have proper goals and objectives. So the first step in planning a website redesign is identifying the primary goals of redesigning. This will guide and ensure that the redesigning process will meet the goals of the needs of your business.

Reviewing the current website in terms of user experience helps to get the insights on what sort of improvements are required. This will help to focus on the strengths and the weaknesses of the current website and begin the redesign process accordingly.

Improving the website navigation is also crucial in redesigning. Simple and clear navigation labels are essential for users to understand the contents of the website. A search function where users can quickly access things also should be included. A good navigation helps in positive user experience, and engagement.

In order to enhance the visual appeal, choosing colors that will align and emphasize the brand is important. And selecting images that’s relevant to the purpose of the website can give a clear idea about the business. By using the white space effectively, users will have the attention to the key elements and draw them into the website. Consider fonts, size and color as it complements other elements of the website.

Since more than a half of the web traffic is generated from mobile devices, optimizing the website for mobile is an important step. Make sure that your website downloads quickly on any device. Measure the speeds to improve accordingly. Check whether the media files such as pictures and videos are downloading faster.

Consider using larger input fields and vertical scrolling to improve the user experience.

Updating Content and SEO is also another important part that should be focused on when redesigning a website. As the first step, it’s better to review all the existing content of the website and note down what to remove and improve. Do a thorough keyword research for all the pages of the website. Use tools that are helpful in this.

Update meta descriptions that include keywords to improve the visibility of the website. Use hyperlinking within the pages that will guide to relevant content. This will let your users experience the website efficiently. The algorithms are focused on providing the best content for the users. Therefore, make sure that the content is well aligned with the intention of the users.

You can utilize social media in order to bring the traffic to your website. And the website can also help in providing the space for social media promotions. So integrating social media is also important in web redesigning. Place social media icons on the website in a much visible spot to make it easy to find the pages. You can also utilize the widgets in order to display the social media pages on the website. By implementing these tips, social media can be effectively used to connect with the users.

In order to make sure that the new functions of the website provide the best possible user experience, testing and launch is important. In order to identify bugs, test the website completely and thoroughly. Perform usability testing in order to make sure that users can navigate and use the site easily. Test the website on various platforms like mobile devices to make sure that it works well on all screens.

Ensure that your website meets all the standards. Once the website is tested and launched, make sure that you have a backup of the previous website and DNS settings. Monitor the website and quick fix if there are any bugs discovered. 

Overall, redesigning a website takes a lot of effort on thorough research, planning, understanding the users and the objectives of the business and proper launching strategies. If the steps are followed carefully and cautiously, a website can be created where it meets all the business goals while enhancing the user experience. 

Contact Tectera who provide web design in Toronto for website redesign.

See Also:

Looking for payment gateways? A payment gateway is essential for every online store or shopping website. It is the best way to accept payments while doing business online.

Most payment gateways work in the same way. When a consumer makes a payment on a merchant’s website, the payment gateway takes the payment information and securely transmits it to the payment processor or acquiring bank.

After that, the payment processor authorizes the transaction and sends funds from the customer’s bank account to the merchant’s account.

 In addition, the payment gateway provides a user interface via which merchants can monitor and track their payments, analyze transaction statistics and analytics, and issue refunds and charge backs.

Payment gateways enable internet transactions while safeguarding private cardholder information. Customers can thus safely purchase goods from any online store without having to worry about identity theft.

In this article, some of the famous and best getaways will be elaborated and discussed.



Paypal is an ecommerce platform designed for online payments. It doesn’t require any financial information. This top rated payment gateway allows doing payments worldwide.

With the help of PayPal, businesses and individuals can send and receive payments online safely and easily.

Since its founding in 1998, it has grown to rank among the most commonly used online payment platforms worldwide, doing more than 10 million transactions every day.

The top features of this gateway includes,

  • Providing top-notch security features to protect the money and sensitive data. This is done by using encryption and SSL protocol. Buyers on the other hand, also have protection programs in case if the items are damaged or not received.
  • Users are able to make payments from any part of the world. They can even do money transfers or donations through the online website or mobile application.
  • Paypal comes with a mobile app that allows users to do everything similarly to their website. 
  • Supports multiple payment options where users can choose whatever fits for them.
  • Has a dispute resolution process that enables reaching resolutions for both buyers and sellers in case anything happens. 
  • Refund policy to request refund in case the buyer is not happy with the purchase.
  • Allows payments over 200 countries and regions. Also supports different currencies.

On any retailer’s website or app, it is incredibly simple to purchase or sell using PayPal on a mobile device. PayPal is active in 203 nations and accepts popular credit cards globally.



It is a cloud payment gateway platform that is useful in controlling all the transactions from anywhere.

There are a lot of great features provided by stripe which makes the work more easy.

The movements of funds will run smoothly with stripe. The interface of the application is highly secured making sure that there will be no frauds.

The application also integrates with the business ecosystem by providing an API.

  • Has a user friendly API that is easy to integrate with e-commerce platforms.
  • Offers pre-built payment forms that can be integrated into websites. This makes accepting payments quickly .
  • Supports a wide range of payment methods including Google pay and Apple pay. 
  • Can do payments by using currencies from over 135 different countries. 
  • Provides ability to customize the checkout pages according to the brand.
  • Ability to set up recurring payments for customers who are on subscription basis.
  • Has advanced fraud protection that uses machine learning to detect fraud transactions.
  • Offers a payout feature that allows businesses to do payouts.
  • Has a simple and a straightforward refund managing system that makes doing refunds easy.
  • Team of 24/7 customer support to help with any payment related issues or to make inquiries.

It is one of the best ways to get and do all the payments. It also increases global sales as it supports more than different currencies. This getaway is a subscribed one but it offers you the best for the price.



Square was founded in 2009 and initially, it was not a payment gateway. It was more like an end-to-end processor for payments.

Businesses can effortlessly and securely take payments thanks to Square.

When it was established, Square transformed the payments sector by giving small companies a convenient and affordable option to take credit card payments.

Its best features include,

  • Square enables accepting multiple payment methods.
  • Customizable checkout pages and 3D authentication to reduce fraud risks.
  • Allows businesses to send customized invoices to customers.
  • Direct link to do the payment through the invoice.
  • Setup of recurring and subscription payments.
  • Virtual terminal that allows businesses to accept over the phone or mail payments.
  • Provides detailed transaction information where sellers can also track customer information and behavior.
  • Integrates with a number of e-commerce platforms where the workflows can be automated and operations can be streamlined.
  • It is a PCI compliant payment gateway and uses advanced encryption and fraud prevention techniques. This will protect the sensitive data.

Due to its simplicity of use, low cost, and wide range of services, Square is a well-liked option for small and medium-sized enterprises.

It keeps coming up with new ideas and broadening its selection of services to make sure that companies can securely accept payments and handle their money well.

If you have a low transaction volume or it keeps fluctuating every month, Square is the best option for you as it only deducts a processing fee only if you earn.


This payment gateway is primarily designed for e-commerce businesses. It was founded in 1996 and is currently owned by Visa. offers a wide range of features to its customers such as,

  • Allowing businesses to accept payments through credit cards, debit cards, e-checks etc.
  • It uses advanced security measures like SSL encryption, fraud detection and tokenization to protect sensitive data from cyber attacks. 
  • It provides real-time reporting and analytics to businesses in order to analyze sales data and track transactions. 
  • It integrates with several e-commerce platforms, POS systems and shopping carts.
  • It offers recurring billing solutions that will automate payments for subscriptions and services.
  • 24/7 customer service through calls and e-mails to resolve any issues that may encounter.

For companies of all sizes, provides a dependable and secure payment option.

It gives companies the resources they need to swiftly and effectively take payments while ensuring that all transactions are safe and secure against fraud.



2checkout was founded in 1999 and its initial name was Avagante. It enables businesses to accept payments globally.

This gateway offers around 45 payment options and it is available in more than 200 different countries.

Its platform is designed to be flexible and customizable including features like,

  • Allows customers to do payments using a wide range of payment methods including credit and debit cards.
  • Provides data security and fraud prevention to make sure the transactions are secure.
  • Allows sellers to sell products all over the world by accepting multiple currencies.
  • Ability to customize business checkout pages to match the branding.
  • Fraud protection tools to help businesses detect fraud transactions.
  • Manage customer subscriptions, view payment history and manage the refunds.
  • Provide business with the insights of sales and revenue.
  • Takes care of global tax and compliance.

Overall, 2checkout platform provides businesses with all the necessary payment processing solutions which will make the online payments simple and helps in increasing the revenue by expanding all the possible payment options.



Braintree is a payment gateway that was founded in 2007 and then owned by Paypal from 2013. This is known for its solutions which are developer friendly and giving businesses ultimate flexibility in integrating payment processing in the webpages.

There are number of many other features for merchants to make it easy to accept payments online,

  • Supports different payment methods and gives the customers a wide range of options to choose from.
  • Follows highest standards to ensure secure transactions and offers advanced fraud protection features.
  • Straightforward methods of creating accounts and making the businesses start accepting immediate payments.
  • Customizable checkout tools to match the brand and the needs.
  • Easy set up of recurring and subscriptions to avoid manual billing hassel.
  • Transparent pricing with no hidden fees makes it easy to calculate costs and budget.
  • Supports transactions in over 130 currencies and operates in over 44 countries where the businesses can expand globally.

Braintree is an excellent payment gateway for businesses which are looking to accept payments via online and mobile apps. The secure and streamlined payment process allows accepting payments globally.

In summary, a payment gateway is a crucial tool for companies who want to take payments online. Customers can use a variety of payment options to complete transactions in a secure and effective manner.

Additionally, payment gateways offer a range of services and functionalities, including fraud prevention, recurring invoicing, and reporting, that aid companies in efficiently managing their online transactions.

It is crucial to take into account a payment gateway’s costs, security, customer service, and compatibility with your website or platform before making your decision.

In the end, an effective payment gateway may aid in boosting revenues, enhancing client pleasure, and streamlining your online payment procedures.

Contact Tectera who provide web design in Toronto to implement Payment gateways.

Looking for real estate website design ideas? A website aids in brand awareness and showcasing your brand to prospective customers. It helps to establish your image by letting the audience know who you are and what you stand for.

A website provides consumers with trustworthy information, which helps to distinguish your company from the competition. Websites in the Real Estate industry can assist consumers gain more ideas and comprehend what they would like.

When you build a website using real estate website templates, you have a significant advantage and far more chances of closing large deals.

Selling real estate is a cutthroat business. Only those who execute it strategically see the success they desire. With a proper website, you can quickly put yourself ahead of your competitors. A great way to generate leads and promote your services is by building a real estate website.

Real Estate Website Design Idea 1

Website Design Ideas For Real Estate Businesses

The website has a color combination of white and blue. The website offers clients to choose the property type, offer type, and price ranges they are looking for. The website has contact information, social platforms, and location. The purple pop-up button states that clients are offered a free demo and the green button states the purchase to the clients.

Suggested Read: The Best 7 CMS Platforms

Real Estate Website Design Idea 2

Website Design Ideas For Real Estate Businesses

The website has a color background of black and a tab in white. It has a darker picture and bold text such as ‘Find Your Dream Home.’ Customers can find the availability and property for sale and rent through the site. The top bar includes the blogs, pages, and listings. The website offers the option to sell the properties. The website has a darker background.

Real Estate Website Design Idea 3

Website Design Ideas For Real Estate Businesses

The website combines blue and white. With different shades of the two colors, it creates a calming yet pleasing impression. The website offers clients three options for all listings, sales, and rent. Clients can create a listing via the website and contact through the hotline noted at the very top of the page.

Real Estate Website Design Idea 4

Website Design Ideas For Real Estate Businesses

The website has a picture of a luxury house which matches the tagline added ‘Find your Perfect Home.’ This site has three dropdowns sold, rent, and buy. On the top bar, the website includes the contact information such as the phone number and location.

The website lists down the opening hours and clients can change the language in viewing the website. The image creates a welcoming appearance.

Real Estate Website Design Idea 5

Website Design Ideas For Real Estate Businesses

The website focuses on the Property as a dream of the client. It offers a bright color for the background but cuts it out with the white text. The page is very simple and has fewer options but has all the mandatory information such as the features and pages. The website has the option to find as well see properties.

Real Estate Website Design Idea 6

Website Design Ideas For Real Estate Businesses

The website creates the first impression of New Future to the property. Despite having a dull and pale color the website drags clients by the tagline. The contact information as the phone number and email address is listed at the two top corners. Moreover, it has the option for contact information, blogs, and pages.

Real Estate Website Design Idea 7

Website Design Ideas For Real Estate Businesses

The website has an image of a couch as the background. The site focuses more on finding properties. The contact information is noted in the top bar. The Social platforms are added on the top. The site lets clients add properties and search according to categories. The site has a pleasing and cozy color combination.

Real Estate Website Design Idea 8

Website Design Ideas For Real Estate Businesses

This site creates a good first impression on the customers. Even though it does not have a background image of a building, it has categories the clients can choose from. There are options with relevant images which makes clients easy to choose what category they are in need of.

The yellow clicks bring a contrast to the page. The black bar on top includes the home page,  listing, and blogs. The website has the option to add to the cart and make purchases contactless.

Real Estate Website Design Idea 9

Website Design Ideas For Real Estate Businesses

The website mixes white and blue. It conveys a calming yet attractive impression by using various shades of the two colors. For all listings, sales, and rent, the website gives users three choices. Customers can create listings on the website and get in touch with the company using the hotline listed at the very top of the page.  It emphasizes providing customers with their ideal home.

Real Estate Website Design Idea 10

Website Design Ideas For Real Estate Businesses

The website drags the attention of the customers with the tagline One Click Away. It has a texture of black and gray with white font. It places a focus on giving customers the home of their dreams.  In order to build more trust and uphold the reputation, the company is described on the website.

Customers can easily choose the category they need because there are options with appropriate images. The contrast on the page is provided by the yellow clicks. The contact information is listed at the top. 


Some websites allow you to bookmark items that inspire you, which adds a personal touch. These can be used to inspire any client, business, or portfolio website, as well as your own agency website. It is critical to understand the purpose of your website and thoroughly research your competitors.

Having a few solid starting points, on the other hand, can help you meet your client’s demands while motivating you to investigate novel design solutions, keep up with design trends, and exercise your creativity.

Finally, web design is an important aspect of the real estate industry. A well-designed website can attract potential clients, establish credibility, provide a seamless user experience, and generate more leads.

Contact Tectera who do web design in Toronto to get more website design ideas for real estate businesses in Toronto Canada.

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